美国作家唐纳德麦凯格将于今年11月出版不朽名著《飘》(Gone With the Wind)的第二部续集,书名为《白瑞德周围的人》(Rhett Butler’s People)。这部新书以1843...者玛格丽特米切尔生前曾拒绝写作《飘》的续集。亚历山德拉里普利1991年撰写的第一部续集《斯佳丽》(Scarlett)出版时曾引起轰动,但也遭到不少批评。 ……
) their adventure (探险) in the sequel (续集). What will happen to them? We will soon see! ……
(继续) their adventure (探险) in the sequel (续集). What will happen to them? Let’s wait and see! ……
最好的系列电影是……Movie sequels (续集) can be better or worse than the original. But some movie series (系列) are always good, no matter how many sequels they have. A recent survey found that Indiana Jones《夺宝 ……
续集出版卷土重来 销售前景有待市场检验
37年前,美国作家马里奥普佐(Mario Puzo)曾因一部叙写黑帮犯罪家族小说的《教父》而一举成名,但是普佐一直拒绝为该书撰写续集。1999年,普佐逝世,美国兰登书屋决定策划推出该书的续集,并成...作品由南京译林出版社在国内正式推出。无独有偶,去年10月,代表英国儿童文学最高成就的《小飞侠彼得潘》也在全球同步推出了续集——《重返梦幻岛》,该书的中文版本也由上海少年儿童文学出版社在国内同步推出。除了《教父》和《小飞 ……
马).Gladiator lives《角斗士》筹拍续集HOLLYWOOD producers are set to bring the Oscar-winning film "Gladiator" back to life with a sequel (续集).The Roman-times epic (史诗), which starred Russell Crowe as General Maximus ……
to win? Sequel意思是“续集、续篇”,即novel or film that continues the story of an earlier one, often using the same characters. 例如:He is writing a sequel to his latest best-seller. 与续集对应的“前传”是prequel。 ……
that it’s not his time to retire (退役). TEENSRoyal marriage movie is coming关于哈里和梅根的电影将出续集。Prince Harry... will have a sequel (续集) called Harry & Meghan: Becoming Royal, which will focus on their marriage ……
on the greatest sequels (续集) in Oscars history, as only a few sequels have been considered better than ……
近日,记者从上海少年儿童出版社获悉,令全世界小飞侠迷们翘首以待的《小飞侠彼得潘》续集10月5日在包括中国在内的29个国家和地区同步上市发售。该书中文简体版《重返梦幻岛》由上...。2004年8月,为纪念小飞侠彼得潘这一经典童话形象诞生100周年,英国政府斥资2000万英镑在全世界招募续集作者,英国当代著名女作家杰拉尔丁麦考琳从全球3000多名文坛高手中脱颖而出。她创作的续集 ……
是由真正作家撰写的货真价实的小说,而且是本非常精彩、高潮迭起、描写细腻的巨作,它苦涩、感人、有趣而真实。《重返梦幻岛》出版社: 上海少年儿童出版社内容简介:该书在叙事上与原作的结合可谓严丝合缝。当然,较之原作,续集的故事有更为精彩的延续和发展。续集中的故事以20世纪30年代为背景,呈现了一系列惊心动魄、扣人心弦的情节以及一些夸张搞怪,惊险刺激的描述。《彼得潘》原书中深受孩子们喜爱的人物形象如温迪、约翰、迈克尔、胡克船长等都在续集 ……
摘自: 新书推荐[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
dance? Watch the new 3D cartoon movie Happy Feet 2 (《快乐的大脚2》). It is a sequel (续集) to the 2006 movie ……
was just a part of growing up (成长). He is trying new roles (角色). Chen is going to act in the sequel (续集 ……
《阿凡达》要出系列漫画啦!THERE is good news for Avatar (《阿凡达》) fans! They will not only be able to see its first sequel (续集) on Christmas Day in 2017, but they can also read an Avatar comic book series (系列 ……