of accumulated (积累的) plastic would still be massive (庞大的).Researchers found that due to a rise... of accumulated (积累的) plastic would still be massive (庞大的).Researchers found that due to a rise in single ……
;今年英语世界中和新冠病毒有关的新词积累的速度确实是史无前例,在很多情况下,这些词还以史无前例的速度成为了英语的核心部分。”报告写道:“今年英语世界中和新冠病毒有关的新词积累的 ……
began.The river usually remains frozen until early spring. Then,accumulated(积累的) ice blocks the flow ……
would promote ambition (野心),” Hamilton told the Daily Mail. “Accumulated (积累的) across at least 12 ……
;(积累的),” she told iHeart. TEENS Cabello’s first solo album Camila released in 2018...’ve accumulated (积累的),” she told iHeart. TEENS ……
fountain pen. She could see the simple sentences, the accumulating (积累的) telepathic (心灵感应的) symbols..., the accumulating (积累的) telepathic (心灵感应的) symbols, unfurling (展开) at the nib’s (笔尖) end. She could write ……
; Hamilton told the Daily Mail. “Accumulated (积累的) across at least 12 years of education, this long.... “Accumulated (积累的) across at least 12 years of education, this long-term achievement could ……
cat. He never worked a day in his life but got rich anyway.这位厂主真算是个大亨。他一辈子都没上过班,但是却享受财富。old money历经几代积累的 ……
from an average age of 37.However, the report says that abilities based on accumulated (积累的 ……
efficiently. In Chinese, the sentence is “除此之外,载人飞行带给中国人的直接而实用的东西似乎对他们的胃更有吸引力。非载人飞行已经把蔬菜种子带到了太空,种子里面积累的 ……
总课题目前的进展现状、初步取得的科研成果以及实验中存在的问题进行了介绍。会议期间,代表们相互交流了各自的双语教学经验,讨论了实验过程中出现的种种困惑。与会人员各抒己见,现场学术氛围浓厚。据悉,本次会议梳理了成都实验区双语课题研究实验过程中积累的 ……
:旅行者伫立在那回想起这里曾是一片不毛之地。Share your thoughts老人在不毛之地上看似毫无意义的努力最终成就了无与伦比的美景。从故事中你是否也学到了成绩出于点滴的积累的道理?你会如何面对自己枯燥的学习? ……
本年度TEM8统测启用网络评卷2010年度的英语专业八级考试(TEM8)定于3月6日举行。据悉,本次TEM8统测将开始实行计算机辅助网上阅卷,统一采用新版答题卡。网上阅卷是利用计算机网络技术和电子扫描技术将答题卡扫描到数据库中,进行图像切割、加密之后由教师在网络中进行评卷。网上阅卷把多年来人工评卷积累的丰富经验与现代信息技术结合起来,实现评卷无纸化、网络化及远程化以及评卷过程全程、全量、实时 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
-weather friendly cooperation with Beijing, Africa can … bring her accumulated (积累的) wisdom of community ……
think can save the world? VII. Words in contextVII. Words in context在这篇文章中,作者强调了美好心灵的重要性,其中有哪些值得积累的表达呢?我们一起来看看:在这篇文章中,作者强调了美好心灵的重要性,其中有哪些值得积累的表达呢?我们一起来看看:remind /rI5maInd/ vt. help sb remember sth ……