Festival (东城区第43届学生科技节). ICOn June 2, a student put his powerboat (动力船) model... District Students Science and Technology Festival (东城区第43届学生科技节). ICOn June 2, a student ……
try different experiments at the science festival在学校的科技节上尝试3D打印在学校的科技节上尝试3D打印Recently we had a Science ……
科技节上趣味多:几张扑克牌能承受你想像不到的巨大重量;鸡蛋从高楼上扔下也不会碎!词数 210 建议阅读时间 4分钟CANpoker(扑克) cardsbear(承受) the weight of a heavy rock? Can you drop an egg from high without it breaking? Students at Beijing Sanfan Middle ……
摔不碎的鸡蛋、纸箱车大赛……科技节上我们玩得真开心!词数 300 建议阅读时间 8分钟IF you drop an egg from the top of a four-storey (四层的) building, would the egg break? Most of you may answer yes. But students in Beijing Fengtai No 12 ……
摘自: We made it![BY ZHANG ANYU, 21ST CENTURY TEENS STAFF, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
摔鸡蛋、纸箱车……科技节上趣事多多!词数 300 建议阅读时间 7分钟IF you drop an egg from the top of a four-storey (四层的) building, will the egg break? Most of you may answer yes. But students in Beijing Fengtai No 12 Middle School ……
快来看看我们学校的科技节吧!词数 288 建议阅读时间 6分钟HOW can you know whether the environment is suitable for plants? How do you figure out the flow speed of the water in a pipe without a flow meter? Do you have any ……
than 130 students from over 30 states (州) went to the science fair (科技节). President Obama ……
北外附校科技节让学生走近科学,乐在其中。It was a Friday afternoon. A group of students tried hard to kick (踢) a robot. They wanted to know how strong they were by kicking it. Sound interesting? Well, it’s just a small ……
脑洞大开的实验亮相北外附校科技节。Have you thought of these questions: What will happen if you mix milk with cola? How are drinks made? On Nov 18, students at Beijing Foreign Languages School Affiliated to Beijing ……
.“These are yummy! You gave me an idea for the science fair (科技节). We can make a machine that blows different... for the science fair (科技节). We can make a machine that blows different flavors (味道) of your bubbles ……
us happy.山东省济南市经五路小学 六(3)班 于佳滢山东省济南市经五路小学 六(3)班 于佳滢I often watch news and science programs (科技节 ……
外国语大学科研处处长束定芳、北京外国语大学教授文秋芳、北京外国语大学教授王克非等专家对刊物的英文名称、定位、栏目、内容等提出了建议。山东省举行第二届科技英语大赛由山东省教育厅、山东省科技协会、山东省科学院联合主办的第二届山东省科技英语大赛日前举行。据悉,此次大赛是2010年山东省大学生科技节的重要组成部分,旨在落实教育部英语课程改革精神,提高大学生科技英语应用能力,培养大学生的创新意识。据了 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
英语成绩:147如何保持良好心态1. 可以将自己的目标缩小,制定日计划周计划等短期目标,目标一旦明确,执行力自然也会提升。2. 学校的课余生活也为我们缓解了不少压力,体育锻炼是放松的极佳方式。此外,科技节 ……
从句和定语从句的运用使文章句式多样化。2017 广东广州假如你发明的“飞行单车”在学校科技节中获奖,被推荐参加一个国际青少年科技展览。请用英语介绍你的发明,内容包括下面1-4项。“飞行单车”1. 外观:两个轮子,两只翅膀;2. 用途 ……
广播站、学生心理辅导站,学校、班级、个人三级网页及四种报刊构成丰富的多媒体的校园文化新形态。③文学社、书画社、话剧社、跆拳道社、英语俱乐部等社团广受欢迎,科技节、艺术节、体育...高水平运动员被大学特招。智能机器人比赛获全国一等奖、省一等奖,全国新概念作文大赛获一等奖,省科技创新大赛获一等奖,市艺术节、科技节有多项获奖。学生的研究性学习硕果累累,“西湖西进”“三墩镇管道铺设方案”“一口 ……