friend of Rice.Rice was born on November 14, 1954 in Alabama, at that time a veryracist(种族偏见的 ……
elected president twice. But there is still work to be done.“ it’s seen as un-American to be racist (有种族偏见的 ……
Twitter after receiving racist (持种族偏见的) messages.Trolls are a major part of social networking websites ……
to be done.“ it’s seen as un-American to be racist (有种族偏见的),” says law professor Sheryll Cashin ……
共发表了6篇文章。针对一些批评家不满《赫克尔贝里芬历险记》中杰姆的形象、认为马克吐温在塑造这一人物时有种族偏见的质疑,《杰姆是傻瓜吗?》一文对之做了如下的解答:杰姆生活在充满种族偏见的南方社会,这决定了他投奔自由之路的不平坦。杰姆看似“傻子”,实际上充满智慧。他的“顺从”只是为了生存和赢取自由所采取的策略。马克吐温通过杰姆这个人物实际是在揭示黑人反抗种族主义的艰难性。本期,编者 ……
。《撞车》Crash关键词:种族主义《撞车》讲述了多种族多文化的冲突和碰撞,带有强烈的种族主义(racism)色彩。片名“crash”一方面是指车祸撞车,另一方面也暗示了种族之间的文化碰撞。美国是一个多种族的国家,因此种族歧视语是英语语言禁忌的重要组成部分。一些带有种族偏见的字眼,甚至有侮辱的味道(insulting words 或 slur),因此要尽量避免使用,以免闹出麻烦。例如 ……
of 2035, people will be less racist (持种族偏见的) and you will have a group of friends who come from all... is contributing (做贡献) to China in their own way.In the world of 2035, people will be less racist (持种族偏见的 ……