巴基斯坦发生教堂爆炸案TWO men threw several grenades (手榴弹) into a church during a service (宗教礼拜式) on March 17 in Islamabad, Pakistan. Five people died, including an American Embassy (美国大使馆) employee and her ……
"登"高一呼登山climb mountainsThey go to climb mountains every Sunday.他们每礼拜天都去登山。登记 Check inIf you want to stay in a hotel, you have to check in first.如果你要住旅馆必须先登记一下。登广告run an adWe've run two big ads ……
or classes, and 52 percent even use them in places of worship (做礼拜).Take a look at the chart ……
十足的麦莉在最近的采访中坦诚自己是泛性恋,并表示自己还年轻,两个礼拜换一次约会对象也是常事。21st ……
through the company for weeks. 有关他私吞资金的消息在公司掀起了好几个礼拜的喧嚣。 ……
been up to? (鲍勃,我好几个礼拜没看到你了。你最近在忙什么?)2) be comparable with (sth.) 可与某事物相比That's not up to your ……
让我们一起来回顾上期的佳句:独立从做家务开始:1. 当她打开(我的行李箱)的时候,她的眉毛皱得像个问号一样。When she opened it, her eyebrows wrinkled just like a question mark. (P3)2. 我的行李箱装满了整整一礼拜的脏衣服,而且很难闻。My suitcase was full of a whole week’s worth ……
and theBaccalaureate(学位) Service in theChapel(礼拜堂). Several students, parents and teachers of several religious ……
1. An old story ?? the Ancient OlympicsTHE Olympics were set up to worship (礼拜) Zeus—the most powerful god in Ancient Greece. They were held every four years. From 776 BC to AD393 (a total of 1169 ……
1. An old story ?? the Ancient OlympicsTHE Olympics were set up to worship (礼拜) Zeus—the most powerful god in Ancient Greece. They were held every four years. From 776 BC to AD393 (a total of 1169 ……
1. An old story ?? the Ancient OlympicsTHE Olympics were set up to worship (礼拜) Zeus—the most powerful god in Ancient Greece. They were held every four years. From 776 BC to AD393 (a total of 1169 ……
吧。) Having been at home all week, I feel like a vegetable. (整整一个礼拜我都在家呆着,感觉生活太单调了。) ……
waiting for the results of my final exams.这个礼拜我都焦虑地等期末考试成绩出来。7. Why do you look so glum? Cheer up!你看 ……
asleep in church service (礼拜). He makes people *laugh all the time.People say Mr Bean is very ……
(礼拜) gods and groups of vendors (商贩) do business. Several temple fairs are held at different ancient ……