THE way in which we read books has changed a lot over the past few years. Not long ago, hardcover (硬皮) and paperback (简装) were the main choices available to readers, but then e-books hit the scene.So ……
). There are also holes in the front that allow the dog to breathe freely. Crustless (无硬皮 ……
that allow the dog to breathe freely. Crustless (无硬皮的) sandwiches While it’s often the case ……
that allow the dog to breathe freely. Crustless (无硬皮的) sandwiches While it’s often the case ……
buy a good hardback (硬皮) book and combine the photographs and the notes together. You could also ……
变干像太阳下的葡萄干?或者像伤口一样溃烂——然后蔓延开来?它会像腐肉一样发出恶臭?或者长出硬皮,并洒上糖——就像一块果汁糖?也许它只会往下陷,就像负了重荷。或者它会爆炸吗?背景赏析 兰斯顿·休斯 ……
国乃至英语国家都享有很高声望,被认为是英美世界最重要的大众图书奖。另据了解,日前,英国企鹅出版集团正式启动在线书友俱乐部业务,提供维京出版社Viking Press和企鹅集团所属的图书资源,供读者在线选读。据了解,网站首次发布的图书包括维京出版社的硬皮 ……
摘自: 书业快讯[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]