Extreme sport(极限运动)想必早已成为家喻户晓的名词,然而其实它还很年轻,才刚过“而立之年”。《牛津英语大词典》给这个词条提供的最早例证可以追溯到1989年。然而早在70年代...大学英语词典》分别早3年和4年。而《英汉大词典补编》不仅收录了extreme sport,而且还记载了extreme skiing(极限滑雪)和extremist(极限运动员)的用法。由于后者表示“极端 ……
与这些文化潮流相伴而生的流行词汇。前不久,亚洲极限运动锦标赛(Asia Extreme Sports Championships)在上海举行,世界顶尖极限运动选手们的精湛技艺令观众们大饱眼福。极限运动(Extreme Sports/ X-sports)也被称作另类运动(alternative sports),大都起源于欧美,涉及陆上、空中、水上运动的各个领域。极限运动最主要、最普及的内容就是所谓的B3--滑板 ……
TUCHONG TUCHONGThe human body has its limits (极限). There are many things that our....The human body has its limits (极限). There are many things that our bodies cannot do. But some people test ……
The human body has its limits (极限). But some people surprised us by testing these limits. Here are some examples.The human body has its limits (极限). But some people surprised us by testing ……
在这天高云淡、秋风送爽的季节,由中国日报社和上海外语教育出版社主办、《21世纪报》承办的“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛即将迎来十周年庆典. 对于全国高校广大英语爱好者来说,这也正是他们展示自我、放飞梦想的机会. ……
张艺兴将如何“挑战极限”?DON’T be too excited, Zhang Yixing’s fans.You will see your idol early next month in Dragon TV’s new program Go Fighting (《极限挑战》). The 23-year-old is the main dancer of South Korean band ……
“要命”的极限运动,究竟魅力何在?They climb cliffs without a safety rope. They jump off mountains without a parachute. Why would people risk their lives to do these things? ……
push the limit/boundary挑战、超越极限Although I’m a very tolerant person, I hate it when people keep pushing my limits. 虽然我是一个好脾气的人,可我讨厌别人一直挑战我的极限。 ……
Push the envelope of endurance 挑战忍耐的极限The mountain climber pushed the envelope of endurance at the highest altitude he reached.这位登山者挑战了体能极限, 登上了他迄今为止攀登到的最高的纬度。 ……
人类百米速度极限在哪里?人类百米速度极限在哪里?How fast can humans run? What is the limit of our speed? PAGE 6How fast can humans run? What is the limit of our speed?   ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 自由潜水教练:突破极限,探寻水世界之美自由潜水教练:突破极限,探寻水世界之美A freediving instructor shares his story of falling in love with the sport PAGE 3A freediving instructor shares his story of falling ……
Asafa Powell broke his 100 meters worldrecord(记录) last week. Thechart(图表) shows that it has taken human beings 47 years to improve from 10 seconds to 9.74 seconds. Is this thelimit(极限) of man? ……
人体的极限在哪里?突破它们可能吗?PAGE 6How much weight can you lift? The human body has its limits. But some people can push these limits and set new world records. ……
摩托车选手挑战珠峰极限CHINESE motorcyclist Chen Jianjun set off for Tibet (西藏) last Tuesday to beat his... the 5,700 metres record he set in September 2000.He has been involved in extreme motorbiking (极限 ……
麻辣酷词★蛮拼的WHEN you are described as “manpinde”, you are trying to go past the limits (极限) of your....Similar phrases in English include “try one’s best”, “go beyond the limit”, and “push the envelope (挑战极限)”. ……