英国中学最严着装规范:运动鞋也不能穿!WHEN the British 13-year-old Cassidy arrived at school in her uniform on Nov 5... to be her black pumps (轻便帆布鞋).Her school, Hanson Academy in the UK, began a new dress code (着装规范 ……
东京学校废止苛刻着装规范东京学校废止苛刻着装规范For decades (数十年), being a student in Tokyo, Japan, meant you had to look a certain way in public schools. All students had to dye their hair black and wear it in the style ……
codes (着装规范); some of these ban shorts and T-shirts. But now even some public schools are tightening (加强 ……
transportation dress code (着装规范) to sagging pants (吊裆裤). Pants that are worn low enough to expose the wearers ……
摘自: ENDS&ODDS[Gabriella Van Leuven, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
their fashion sense while observing campusdress codes(着装规范). They use tricks such as wearing atank top(吊带 ……
? Here are some useful tips. Dress to impressEach dance has its own dress code (着装规范) with fashion do ……
tips.Dress to impressEach dance has its own dress code (着装规范) with fashion do’s and don’ts.For casual ……
tips.Dress to impressEach dance has its own dress code (着装规范) with fashion do’s and don’ts.For casual ……
(请回复) ·Dress code (着装规范)5.Choose music. Music will cheer the party up. 6.Make a food and drinks list ……
think that dress codes are fun – like caftans or all white.”Dress code指“着装规范”。Caftan是指“阿拉伯男子以及欧美女性所穿的宽松长袍”。这句话的大意是,她还建议,让有趣而简单的着装风格给聚会增加亮点,“我觉得长袍和全系白色之类的着装很有趣”。【难词解释】Matchy-matchy指搭配在颜色上过度“协调”,如 ……