真是一个完美的相框呀!真是一个完美的相框呀!In Antarctica (南极), two people are taking part in a whale-watching trip. Suddenly, a whale comes out of the water. Its tail looks just like a perfect photo frame (相框 ……
Want to hang more photos in your room? Get this digital (数码) photo frame (相框). 数码相框可以从电脑下载照片,然后循环播放。 ……
我的写字桌bookshelf 书架 pencil jar 笔筒 file 文件盒/夹 photo frame 相框 calendar 日历 stapler 订书机sticky tape 胶带 scissors 剪刀 paper clip 曲别针 desk lamp 台灯There are … on my desk. 我的桌上有…… ……
gifts with pictures of apples, such as mugs (杯子), frames (相框) and teddy bears.So, why not bring your ……
newly minted新的The proud parents framed their son’s newly minted certificate of diploma and hang it on the living room wall.自豪的父母把儿子刚得到的学位证书装了相框挂在了客厅的墙上。 ……
for their teachers. Now, they bring gifts with pictures of apples, such as mugs, frames (相框) and teddy bears. So ……
摘自: 听力原文[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
are a fewideasfor this. Make them with yourparents!Memo pad稍加改动,普通相框变身精美记事薄。Dad or mum can put it on the office desk.You will needGlue A knifePhoto frame (相框)Colour paperPost-it note pad (N次帖)A ribbon ……
frame (相框) and decorate it with pretty shells or other knickknacks (小玩意). Include a photograph inside ……
your skin very soft. What a nice shot!What a nice shot!大自然的“相框”大自然的“相框... frame (相框). In Antarctica (南极), two people row a boat. A whale comes out of the water. Its tail ……
的), milk-white picture frame (相框). Vines curved (弯曲) around the center like a protective fence (围栏... saw a round (圆形的), milk-white picture frame (相框). Vines curved (弯曲) around the center like ……
keeping a physical framed (带相框的) picture wherever you work or study often.About indirect contact... a physical framed (带相框的) picture wherever you work or study often.Give these suggestions a try ……
think!Hou Rui, 14, learned to make a digital photo album on a computer. She chose aframe(相框 ……
, BeijingDid you know?Many kids in the US bring “apple gifts” for teachers. 他们会在新学期的第一天把带有苹果图案的杯子、相框 ……
''s kindness. She bought a small key ring with a picture frame (相框). She put Susie''s Band-Aid ……
frame (相框) or friendship bracelets (手链). She would love a nice gift like that. – By Meghan Horihan ……