(相扑手) may have found a solution to their fat-finger problems. Miss-typed text messages and wrong... will hand out the newest iPads to all the sumo stables (部屋,培养相扑手的地方) to swiftly communicate what we ……
大力士们以古老的方式传承着日本国粹。The competitors are huge, but move with great speed. What is even more surprising, though, is that despite coming from one the world's most developed countries,sumo wrestlers(相扑手 ……
的主要原料有糯米、醋、生鱼片、海苔等等。Sumo独特的相扑Look!相扑大力士那庞大的身躯吸引了全世界的目光。That's Sumo. Japanese love this sport very much. 相扑手们每天都要进行刻苦的训练。They must eat a lot of food and go to bed after eating! 一个相扑大力士每天要吃掉20公斤的食物,这可是一般人一个月的食量呀! ……