salt in the wounds of sb 在某人伤口上撒盐。皇马客场3比1大胜巴萨,昂首进入国王杯决赛。C罗两球居首功,但帮助皇马最终锁定胜局的是瓦拉内。他的进球为皇马锦上添花,但对 ……
帽子戏法助贝尔立足皇马IT is not easy for a British man to play in the Spanish club Real Madrid (皇马). But Gareth Bale does it well. Bale is a 24-year-old player from Wales. He joined Real in September. In his ……
J罗为皇马攻入首球。WHO is the most shining star in Spanish soccer right now? It’s Colombian James Rodriguez. On Aug 20, the 23-year-old scored (进球) his first goal for Real Madrid in the Spanish Super Cup ……
Who is your favorite soccer player?卡卡完美回归成皇马救星。Kaka is coming back! The Brazilian soccer player helped his team Real Madrid (皇家马德里) win an important game in the UEFA Champions League (欧洲冠军联赛) last ……
last week.In 2007, Beckham moved from Real Madrid (皇马) to Los Angeles Galaxy. He was the world ……
齐祖立即站出来警告C罗:“在皇马要低调!” 原话是:“Ronaldo will have to come to terms with being just another star at the club ……
欧洲“助攻王”厄齐尔。MESUT Ozil, 25, is a German soccer player. He once played for Spanish club Real Madrid (皇马). Now he is becoming the star of English club Arsenal (阿森纳).Ozil is a midfielder (中场球员). He ……
the two are so well-matched. On Oct 7, Spanish soccer clubs Real Madrid (皇马) and Barcelona (巴萨) played...力敌;实力相当。在10月7日举世瞩目的西班牙国家德比中,巴萨和皇马没有分出高下,因为梅西和C罗两大巨星都有着世界级的发挥,都攻入了两个精彩的进球。这两位生在同一时代的天才球员有着旗鼓相当的实力,难怪有媒体把他们称为足球史上最伟大的对手。 ……
皇马强势逆袭。 词数 200 建议阅读时间 4分钟BARCELONA (巴萨罗那) and Real Madrid (皇马) are old enemies in the world of soccer. In recent years, Barcelona has dominated (处主导地位) matches between these two teams. But recently ……
指C罗的腾空一跃仿佛定格在空中一样。皇马巨星C罗在被禁赛三场之后,3月10日重返赛场,以一记头球破门。他那好似忽略地心引力一般悬挂空中的画面着实令人叹为观止。最终,皇马以3:0大胜莱万特队,并重返西甲榜首。 ……
is becoming a player who takes on everything.Take on everything 包揽,总揽。从2014年的惊鸿一瞥,到如今的皇马核心球员,哥伦比亚球星詹姆斯·罗德里格斯已经成长为一名全能型的球员。作为球队的新人,皇马的新10号完美地完成了主教练安切洛蒂的各项要求。如果意大利主帅需要他协助进攻,没问题,贡献了16粒进球的J罗仅比贝尔少进一球;如果 ……
League (西班牙联赛)on Monday. The Real Madrid (皇马)player said he wants to keep on winning. "I do not get tired ……
. HisReal Madrid(皇马) teammates Zinedine Zidane and Raul will also be in the three films. The first film ……
. 21STImpressive adj. 让人印象深刻的;出色的。皇马的巴西巨星卡卡伤病痊愈重返巴西国家队。凭借在本赛季的出色表现,卡卡找回了巅峰的感觉。 ……
时隔两年收获了第二座奖杯。2011-12赛季梅西联赛进球数高达50粒,领先皇马球星C罗4个进球而捧杯。梅西也由此成为金球奖的最有力竞争者。 ……