“白鹭”翩翩起舞“白鹭”翩翩起舞This girl is performing (表演) a Japanese traditional dance called White Heron Dance (白鹭舞). She wears a bird-like “hat”, a white wig (假发) and dress. She looks just like a white heron ……
saved我没有卖掉受伤的白鹭。PAN Pan is a 14-year-old girl in Shangqiu, Henan. One day, her mother brought home aninjured(受伤的)egret(白鹭). Pan Pan took care of the egret for six days till it got well. Then she took ……
are rare(稀少的)species(种类). They include theegret(白鹭), thegrey heron(苍鹭) and thespot-billed(斑嘴鸭) duck ……
; 积雨辋川庄作积雨辋川庄作王维 (唐)王维 (唐)积雨空林烟火迟,蒸藜炊黍饷东菑。积雨空林烟火迟,蒸藜炊黍饷东菑。漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。山中 ……
空林烟火迟,蒸藜炊黍饷东菑。积雨空林烟火迟,蒸藜炊黍饷东菑。漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。山中习静观朝槿,松下清斋折露葵。山中习静观朝槿,松下清斋折露葵。野老 ……
. They’re all made of (由……制成) wood. People like to call it the “White Heron Castle (白鹭城)” because ……
see through it. So they made a spy egret (白鹭) and spy dung balls (粪球) instead. Egrets are a kind ……
."It's exciting to see different birds likeegrets(白鹭) and various types ofsparrows(麻雀). When the guide told us ……
for the better.Li is a member of the society to protect white egrets (白鹭) in his city. He is also ……
it and you’ll see the similarity.登金陵凤凰台凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。三山半落青天外,二水中分白鹭洲。总为浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁。 ……
QIANTUQIANTU渔歌子唐·张志和西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。渔歌子唐·张志和西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。A Fisherman’s SongZhang ZhiheIn front of western hills white egrets fly up and down ……
QIANTUQIANTU渔歌子唐·张志和西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。渔歌子唐·张志和西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。Tune: A Fisherman’s SongIn front of western hills white egrets fly up and down,In peach ……
QIANTUQIANTU渔歌子唐·张志和西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。渔歌子唐·张志和西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。Tune: A Fisherman’s SongIn front of western hills white egrets fly up and down,In peach ……