词语与文化之间的密切关系。---------------------------------英国是一个十分崇拜“狮子”的国家。狮子纹章是英国的国徽,英语中“the British Lion”用来转喻“英国”,“to twist the lion's tail”喻指“藐视英国”,成语“regal as a lion”和“majestic as a lion”则表达人们对狮子的敬畏。在英国的社会生活中,狮子图案随处可见,许多 ……
森林之王 —— 狮子1. Is the lion the biggest cat in the world? ( )A. Yes. B. No.2. Can lions swim? ( )A. Yes. B. No.3. Who usually hunts4 for food? ( )A. Female lions (母狮子).B. Male lions (公狮子).4. Do lions ……
四只郁郁寡欢的狮子!ONE day, I go to the zoo with my mother. There are a lot of animals. I like the four lions (狮子) in the picture most. Look, they are lying down (躺着) and having a rest. They are very quiet ……
王者归来 ——《狮子王》即将重回银幕 PAGE 8A brand-new version of the classic children’s film The Lion King will come out next year. After 25 years, why do so many people still love these characters? ……
故事简介:森林里住着一只小老鼠和一头大狮子。小老鼠非常害怕大狮子,他总是躲得远远的。有一天,小老鼠正在草丛里走着,突然被大狮子抓住了。他哀求道:“请放了我吧,总有一天我会帮助你的!”狮子大笑,说:“凭你这个小不点,能帮我?”不过他还是把小老鼠放了。很多天过去了,大狮子遇到了大麻烦。他被网住了,网得很紧,不能动弹。小老鼠听到了大狮子的吼叫声,心想一定是出了什么事,于是飞快地跑过去。结果,小小的老鼠救出了大大的狮子 ……
猜猜这个“大狮子”是什么?猜猜这个“大狮子”是什么?What is it? This is a lion-shaped coffin (棺材). It is at a UK museum. It is made of wood and has many details (细节). You can see its teeth, hair and whiskers (胡须). The show ……
大狮子和小老鼠Words and pictures authorized by Random House故事简介BY GAIL HERMANPublisherRandom HousePriceUS $3.99ISBN0-679-88674-5森林里住着一只小老鼠和一头大狮子。小老鼠非常害怕大狮子,他总是躲得远远的。有一天,小老鼠正在草丛里走着,突然被大狮子抓住了。他哀求道:“请放了我吧,总有 ……
深海狮子鱼:一出海面就会融化。Deep under the sea, there live some amazing fish. The Atacama snailfish (阿塔卡马狮子鱼) is one of them. Scientists from Newcastle University recently found them. These fish live 7,500 meters ……
享受按摩的狮子。 LOOK at the lion in this photo. His name is Jamu. He’s getting a massage (按摩) from Alex Larenty, 40. Six years ago Larenty began to work at the Lion Park near Johannesburg, South Africa. He ……
看看下边这幅图,尽情发挥你的想象力,猜猜这两只狮子在说些什么?What are the mother lion and the baby lion doing? What do you think they are saying to each other? Send your ideas to jidongmin@21stcentury.com.cn before February 29 ……
spice up让某事物变得更有趣,或者更激动人心To spice things up in the arena, the organizers arranged lions and tigers to fight gladiators.为了让角斗比赛更激动人心,组织者安排了角斗士与狮子老虎对抗。 ……
你猜,我是狮子还是狗?AM I a dog or a lion? If you can’t tell quickly, then I succeed (成功)! In fact I’m a dog. A Japanese store celebrated its 100th birthday in early April. Their mascot (吉祥物) is a lion. So ……
小狮子的游泳第一课Hi, I’m Mal. I’m 8 months old. I live in a zoo in Australia. The young man beside me is zookeeper, Ben. He is teaching me how to swim. But I’m a little afraid. Hi, Ben, let me put my wet ……
小狮子的游泳第一课!HI, I’m Mal. I’m 8 months old. I live in a zoo in Australia. The man beside me is zookeeper, Ben. He is teaching me how to swim. But I’m a little afraid. Hi, Ben, let me put my wet paws ……
Characters: Little Lion, Dad, Mum1. (天刚蒙蒙亮,小狮子仍沉浸在甜美的梦乡里……)Dad: Son, it's time to get up.Little... will show you how to be a great king.2. (狮子爸爸和狮子妈妈带着小狮子来到湖边。)Little Lion: Mum, the lake is so ……