袋wheelbarrow 独轮手推车bud 花骨朵bud 花骨朵flowerpot 花盆flowerpot 花盆gloves 手套gloves... bag 工具袋wheelbarrow 独轮手推车wheelbarrow 独轮手推车There is a “farm” in my school ……
out of the dockyard gates pushing a wheelbarrow (独轮手推车). There were suspicious (可疑的) looking ……
easy thing. My old wheelbarrow (独轮手推车) seems to have the personality of a tank, and I’m pretty sure my...话作者运用了比喻和拟人的修辞手法,把自己和杂草之间的这场战争描绘得栩栩如生。在她笔下,她做园艺的工具都富有战斗力,独轮手推车具有坦克的个性,而小铲子则是匕首的堂兄。 ……
that gardening isn’t an easy thing. My old wheelbarrow (独轮手推车) seems to have the personality of a tank...草藤蔓描述成一群无礼的侵犯者,它们悄然溜进花园,得意地偷笑。v释义:我那老旧的独轮手推车似乎具有坦克的个性,而我也非常确定那把小铲子是匕首的堂兄。 赏析:这句话作者运用了比喻和拟人的手法,把自 ……
地球上仍有八亿人在忍饥挨饿,世界粮食首脑会议呼吁为消除饥饿共同努力。LOOKING older than her 57 years, Snikiwe Ndlovu called to three skinny children to stay by the family's old wheelbarrow (独轮手推车). One child had an orange tint (色泽 ……
it in wheelbarrows (独轮手推车) and take it to the rubbish place. It was not difficult work, but it was a little ……
;the dockyard gates pushing a wheelbarrow (独轮手推车). There were suspicious (可疑的) looking packages... gates pushing a wheelbarrow (独轮手推车). There were suspicious (可疑的) looking packages in it. The officers ……