;indyref2indyref2第二次苏格兰独立公投第二次苏格兰独立公投The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom announced on Nov 23... for ways to stage another vote on the topic, now known as “indyref2”. indyref2指苏格兰民族党提出的将在2023年底再次发起的独立公投 ……
.Overexposure在文中指穿衣打扮“过于暴露,过度曝光”,“比较暴露的衣服”可以说revealing clothes。independence referendum独立公投*Scotland... the Treaty of Union.Referendum意为“全民投票/公投”,如:a referendum on divorce,也可以说a divorce referendum。21st ……
, the independence referendum (独立公投) of Scotland and the leading parties, which will affect their lives... will decide the future mayors, the independence referendum (独立公投) of Scotland and the leading parties ……
independence referendum独立公投An agreement on a Scottish independence *referendum was signed by British Prime Minister David Cameron and First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond on Monday. Scotland ……
saying the island could have an independence referendum (独立公投) if it was attacked (袭击). Many Chinese ……
saying the island could have an independence referendum (独立公投) if it was attacked (袭击). Many Chinese ……
Scottish hopes of second vote on independence英最高法裁定,苏格兰不得举行独立公投英最高法裁定,苏格兰不得举行独立公投词数 380 ... that the Scottish Parliament (苏格兰议会) does not have the power to hold a new referendum (公投 ……
rejectedScotland’s request for second independence vote has been rejected苏格兰第二次独立公投诉求被驳回苏格兰第二次独立公投... the power to hold a new referendum (全民公投) on Scottish independence without the approval (赞成 ……
要点提示新闻:11月26日,英国苏格兰政府首席大臣亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德发布苏格兰独立白皮书,首次描绘了苏格兰独立后的发展蓝图。2014年9月,苏格兰将举行独立公投,决定是否脱离英国而独立。内容:该白...等方面享有一定的立法权和行政权。去年,英国首相卡梅伦与苏格兰首席部长萨尔蒙德签署了关于苏格兰进行独立公投的最终协议。苏格兰政府将于2014年9月举行公民投票,决定苏格兰是否从大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国分离出去,英国中央政府和苏格兰地方政府都表示将尊重公投 ……
智能卡或者智能手机等设备使用的技术,通过该技术可以在电子读卡器上进行无线读取,一般多用于支付;indyref,independence referendum的缩合词,指今年9月18日举行的苏格兰独立公投 ……