西安市爱知初级中学位于西安市新城区,创办于1994年。经过十余年发展,目前,我校已开设56个教学班,在校学生达3000余名。十多年来,我校始终坚持“为学生终生发展负责”的办学思想,从严治学,精心育人,取得了丰硕的教育成果。爱心点燃育人激情自建校以来,我校一直以“在爱知,每一位学生都是老师的最爱”这一理念为基点,以“在爱知,每位同事、每位同学都是最真诚的合作互助伙伴”为纽带,努力创设出宽松、民主 ……
教师每月必须到校外旁听一节课,学校还不定期组织教师到周边学校“取经”。教师在回校后举行“联系实际、取人之长”的讨论活动,总结学习经验。爱心呵护学生成长在我校教师中流传着这样一句话:“没有爱就没有教育。”“爱的教育”正是 ……
汶川地震发生以后,四川、甘肃、陕西等受灾地区人民的安危受到社会各界关注。至记者发稿时止,各级政府共投入抗震救灾资金139. 75亿元。英语教育领域多家单位也积极募集善款、调运物资,支援救灾和灾后重建工作,例如中国外语教育研究中心、中国外文局、外语教学与研究出版社、新东方教育科技集团、英孚教育、北京外国语大学、上海外国语大学、启德教育、贝尔国际英语学校等单位。此外,中国教育学会中育英语教育中心组织人员深入灾区进行救助和调研,为灾后复课和教育重建工作制定计划。各大英语培训机构也在计划为灾区学生提供免费英语课程。. ……
VCG 关爱心理健康,从容迎接高三关爱心理健康,从容迎接高三Get advice on beating stress Get advice on beating stress from university students and experts A20-A27from university students and experts ……
滑稽的“柠檬脸”背后是涌动的爱心The “LemonFace Challenge” is the latest example of how viral trends can be used to help those who are in need. However, some people are skeptical of these trends. ……
朱丽成为爱心妈妈AMERICAN actress Angelina Jolie and her husband adopted (收养) a Cambodian baby last month.The couple have no other children.The 26-year-old actress took the lead role in the Hollywood hit ……
章子怡雪域高原献爱心CHINESE actress Zhang Ziyi donated (捐赠) 100,000 yuan she raised in half a year to 40 poor middle school students in Tibet (西藏) on September 1.Zhang, 23, became the "Charitable Ambassador ……
鞋子集合,同献爱心。 LOOK, here are so many shoes! National Geographic Kids has collected the largest number of shoes to recycle. They invited 30,914 people around the world to run 100 meters ……
“圣诞老人”献爱心。HEY Santa, are you running for health? No, I’m running for money. This is a charity (慈善) run in the UK. It’s called Santa Dash (圣诞大冲刺). Every year in December, thousands of British people ……
. 21STCaring adj. 有爱心的,关怀的。罗志祥不但救助流浪动物,更自掏腰包给它们建造一个快乐、健康又爱心满满的家园,因此获选亚洲善待动物组织的“年度杰出人物”。 ……
王力宏尼泊尔献爱心CHINESE-AMERICAN singer Lee Hom Wong visited Nepal (尼泊尔) from April 14 to 21 as a "Youth Ambassador" (青年大使) for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (联合国儿童基金会).He took ……
我们举办了爱心义卖。ONE day, our school holds a bazaar (义卖) on the playground to raise money for poor students. It is very interesting and draws lots of attention.There are lots of small stalls (摊位 ……
物品有价,爱心无价。▲FLEA markets (跳蚤市场) are not special nowadays. But have you ever seen a flea market held by middle school students? From May 22 to 25, students from Tshinghua High School, Chaoyang, Beijing ……
also teach them to be more strong and caring (有爱心的). TEENS ……
分享亲身经历帮助青春期女孩成长,真是称职的“爱心大使”。 ……