据英国《每日邮报》报道,为纪念第一次世界大战爆发100周年,《牛津英语词典》的编辑最近整理出与一战相关的100个词语。它们有的是在一战中被首次记载,有的是在一战中流行,还有的是因一战而产生。令人... Proffitt指出:“作为一部英语词典,《牛津英语词典》同时也是一部社会历史档案。我们借一战爆发100周年之机重温并修订了词典中与这场战争相关的语言。有些词语是现代人所熟悉的,另一些已经被遗忘了,但它们从语言的角度深刻地呈现出了一场残酷的战争。” ……
为阻断疫情向校园蔓延,确保师生生命安全和身体健康,教育部日前下发通知,要求2020年春季学期延期开学,学生在家不外出、不聚会、不举办和参加集中性活动,各培训机构也按要求取消各类线下课程. 2月14日,国务院教育督导委员会办公室发出紧急预警,明确疫情期间严禁开展任何形式的线下培训,不得举办任何形式的聚集性培训活动. ……
feel one’s way摸索着走, 谨慎行事我不会直接开口跟他借钱。我先试探一下。flare up 突然爆发或加剧如果我决定去其他城市工作,家里马上会爆发冲突。 ……
AFPAFP美国爆发反歧视亚裔大游行美国爆发反歧视亚裔大游行Asian-Americans are facing racism and violence in many US cities. They refuse to stay quiet any longer.Asian-Americans are facing racism and violence in many US cities ……
keep a clean sheet (against)全身而退你在这件事情里参与过多,现在当矛盾爆发的时候已经很难全身而退了。 ……
沉默中死亡,就在沉默中爆发。C罗近期的大爆发可谓扬眉吐气,让所有质疑者闭上“尊口”。 ……
摘自: Suffer[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
日本温泉“放屁虫”大爆发日本温泉“放屁虫”大爆发 These days, lots of stink bugs (椿象) “took over” a popular hot spring in Japan. They gave off stinky (臭臭的) smells and scared away all the tourists. Scientists say ……
核心词汇fit n. (大笑、活动等的)突然爆发用法: a fit of/fits ofHalfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing.addict n. 上瘾者She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.magical adj. 魔术的;神奇的Harry Potter ……
fear mongering 危言耸听的The editor killed the fear mongering article about the flu outbreak. 编辑砍掉了关于流感爆发的耸人听闻的报道。off the scale 失衡的,夸张的,离谱的The fever patient’s temperature was off the scale. 发烧病人的体温高得有些离谱。 ……
课间很无聊?不如和同学一起挑战“趣味猜猜猜”,看谁能最快猜到答案。Q: How hot is the wind produced by a volcanic eruption (火山爆发)? A. 100 °C.B. 500 °C.C. 800 °C.Key:C ……
韦德爆发,熊熊“热火”烧得旺。NBA player Dwyane Wade helped the Miami Heat get to the NBA finals (决赛) on June 4. In the past 12 games, Wade scored less than 20 points per game. However, in Game 7 of the Eastern ……
(爆发). Soon, everyone’s faces were covered with cream. This must be one of the most unforgettable ……
THE explosion (爆发) in e-book sales seemed to mean the end of print. But new research done in the US has found that people are returning to paper books.With US social media icon Mark Zuckerberg ……
NASA / SDO 太阳强耀斑近期连续爆发太阳强耀斑近期连续爆发NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (太阳动力学观测站) took a picture of a large solar flare (太阳耀斑) on May 10. A solar flare is a sudden, bright burst (爆发) of light ……
-high of 45 points helped his team lead from start to finish.21STBurst out 爆发。本季NBA季后赛状态一直低迷的火箭队近日终于触底反弹,在0-3落后金州勇士队的情况下,拿下第四场,使球队继续前进。而最大的功臣莫过于彻底爆发的詹姆斯.哈登。9个篮板,5次助攻,全场拿下45分的哈登顺利帮助火箭队赢得比赛。 ……