goof aroundI told so many jokes today in school.Do you always goof around?goof around: 游手好闲,不务正业 ……
the housework, don’t dawdle (游手好闲).21st ……
以坐在电视前看一整天。lay-about游手好闲之人My best friend is a lay-about. He is 25 years old and has never had a job. 我的好朋友是个游手好闲 ……
’t never looking backNobody knew she was brave like that她在国家银行有份没有前途的工作还有个游手好闲...伯瑞的这首歌曲讲述了一个人如何从失意的人生中爬起,重拾信心向过去告别的故事。歌词dead-end是“没有前途的,没有出路的”意思,还可以用unpromising来表达此意。而deadbeat则是用来形容“欠债不还的或者游手好闲 ……
) who were rich and had high status. But the sons idled about (游手好闲) every day with nothing important... and had high status. But the sons idled about (游手好闲) every day with nothing important to do. Sometimes ……
and phrases in Australian English. If you're being lazy you're a "bludger (游手好闲的人)". If you crash your ……
she said: "A man was always idling (游手好闲). One day he got on a bus and asked for a ticket from ……
for the Times, with “idle (游手好闲的) reporters… playing bridge while waiting for the big assignment (任务 ……
你们的人,我们从不浪费时间游手好闲当我们行动起来请不要将它压灭我们将提高音量比原来更加洪亮像丛林中的雄狮,你们将听到我们的嘶吼……伸出双手,触碰星辰伸出双手,将它们举高伸出双手,如果 ……
money. 大多数买这本书的人都身负债务,正在找工作,或者是全职妈妈,他们都想挣些钱。scrounge off the state: 不工作、不纳税光靠救济的生存状态,游手好闲,贬义My...孙子身着制服,看起来很潇洒,一点不像那些游手好闲的寄生虫。---------------------------------------dole 失业救济金disgrace 丢脸的人(或事 ……
better than thoseidling(游手好闲) at school.Fan Liling: Ding, who won the China Open snooker tournament ……
VocabularyGossip Girl characters give us a picture of American uptown lifestyle. Here are some useful words to describe them:fat cat大亨,带有贪婪、游手好闲、靠着大笔资产坐享其成的意思The owner of the factory was a real fat ……
on a city-sized spacecraft. There, the fat humans are living an idle (游手好闲的) life and have lost ……
by Khudabaksh Azaad keeps fighting and is seen as a problem by the British. So they hire Firangi, a slacker (游手好闲 ……
’s authors, explaining the intuition (直觉) behind the study. “If you want to goof off (游手好闲 ……