蓝色的“星星”掉进海里啦!蓝色的“星星”掉进海里啦!When it is dark at night, the sea in Dalian, Liaoning, turns a shiny blue color. Some people like to call it “blue tears”. The color comes from a kind of algae (藻类). It can ……
and traveled 23,000 nautical miles (海里, 42,550km). Jessica came back to Sydney on May 15. Thousands of people ……
开在海里的邮局What’s a post office like in your city? Vanuatu is a small island country in the Pacific (太平洋). There is an underwater post office. The post office looks like a big can (罐头). It’s only open ……
海里“长”出花朵啦!海里“长”出花朵啦! Usually, you see flowers along the roads and in the parks. How about under the water? Usually, you see flowers along the roads and in the parks. How about ……
破碎的咖啡壶在海里。 JIM works on a small ship. One morning, he breaks the captain’s coffee pot (壶). He throws (扔) the pieces into the sea. The captain asks angrily: “Where is my coffee pot? If somebody loses ……
英国人在绚烂的花海里绽放园艺热情词数 97 建议阅读时间 1分钟EVERY year, for five days in May, London comes alive with the sights and smells of the world’s finest flowers at the Chelsea Flower Show.The annual exhibition ran from ……
漂流开始了The dad and the son are going to take a trip by ship.爸爸和儿子要做轮船去旅行。“Look, a hand, Dad!”“Someone must be drowning1, Son!”“爸爸,看啊,一只手!”“一定是有人溺水了,儿子!”The dad and the son jump into the sea. 爸爸和儿子都跳进了海里 ……
迷失在婺源金色的花海里。词数 138 建议阅读时间 3分钟 People often argue about which is the most beautiful city in China. But according to National Geographic magazine, Wuyuan county, in the northeast of Jiangxi province ……
them with this problem.Sentence bank释义:当靠近之后,他才看清这是一个年轻人,他不是在跳舞,而是在海滩上捡着什么,轻轻地扔到海里。短语:instead of 代替...年轻人弯下腰,又捡起一只海星扔进了海里,说道:“对于那一只很重要。”表达:make a difference 英语习惯表达,表示“有影响,很重要。”Our friends make a difference ……
in the seaMobile home in the sea大海里的“移动屋”大海里的“移动屋”Do you want a home in the sea ……
时光的脚步总是匆匆,带着过去一年里收获的感动和温暖,我们迎来新的一年。你有没有给亲人和好友送去新年的祝福呢?你知道如何用英语来送出新年祝福吗?你的脑海里是否只出现一句 “Happy...道如何用英语来送出新年祝福吗?你的脑海里是否只出现一句 “Happy New Year”呢?我们来看看还有哪些美好的祝福语吧。1. Happy New Year’s now ……
in the ocean.(海里有无数的鱼。)本句英文翻译中的unit表示“单元,单位”。例如:The textbook has 20 units. (这个课本有20个单元。) A myriad of 表示“无数的,大量的”,例如:There are a myriad of fish in the ocean.(海里有无数的鱼。)习爷爷曾在多个场合谈到大国小家,我们一起来看看,感悟 ……
changed its major shipping line by about 15 nautical miles (海里) (27.78 kilometers) to the south...;To stop this, MSC changed its major shipping line by about 15 nautical miles (海里) (27.78 ……
消防员为什么能在火海里穿梭自如?他们有什么独门武器?BIG fires are terrible. Who can help stop them? Don't worry, call 119 and firefighters will come. They drive fire trucks and usefire extinguishers(灭火器) to put out fires.Aren ……
身手你能够试着翻译下面两这句话吗?1.北京已经为奥运会修建了很多建筑物。2.沉船已经从海里打捞上来了。Key:1. Many buildings have been set up in Beijing ……