海洋文学是文学史上一个富有深意且充满魅力的领域。每年的世界海洋日之际,人们不仅探讨海洋科学、保护和可持续发展等问题,更应思考海洋文学所赋予人类的灵感、抚慰与重新出发的力量。今年的世界海洋日主题为“唤醒新的深度”,这正是在提醒人们,所谓的“深度”不仅仅是物理上的海洋深度,还包括我们心灵与思考的深度。那么,海洋 ……
; the Disney movie Moana (《海洋奇缘》). You should find it out yourself. In the South.... the Disney movie Moana (《海洋奇缘》). You should find it out yourself ……
摘自: 海洋奇缘[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
10月25日,中国海洋大学综合体育馆里欢声笑语、人潮涌动,来自海内外的校友和社会各界嘉宾相聚在这里,与全校师生员工共同庆祝中国海洋大学90华诞。值此90周年校庆之际,中共中央政治局原常委、国务院原副总理李岚清为学校题词:“培养德智体美全面发展高素质人才,为建设海洋强国做贡献”,全国人大常委会原副委员长陈至立的题词为“建设一流海洋大学,服务海洋强国战略”,全国政协原副主席宋健的题词为“大海 ……
PLANTS need sunlight to grow. What about the plants in the ocean? Many live only near the sea surface (表面). Some grow at the bottom of the sea. ……
THEY are very smart like people. Some are fierce1. Some are very mild (性情温和的). ……
Task 1What fairy tales from other cultures do you know? Please share your favorite one in English with your friends. The sea goddess SednaBy Engeli Haupt That woman down there under the sea, She wants to hide the seals from us. These hunters, They cannot mend things. ……
QIANTUPeople call Earth the “water planet”. That’s because the ocean covers over 70 percent of Earth. The ocean is very important. ……
新闻回放日前,全国攻读硕士研究生报名工作正式启动,关于硕士研究生的培养与就业等问题一时成为社会关注热点. 根据教育部统计的数字,从2001年到2006年,全国报考硕士研究生的人数共上涨85.5万,平均每年增长率超过20%,而2007年的报名人数仅比2006年上涨0.55%. ……
Choose the answer:1. What can we do at home to protect oceans?A. Use less water. ……
TEENS对话海洋生物学家TEENS对话海洋生物学家A marine scientist tells about his research in Antarctic waters. PAGE 6A marine scientist tells about his research in Antarctic waters. PAGE 6 ……
VCGVCG海洋生物有自己的语言海洋生物有自己的语言Life in the oceans can be quite chatty and sociable! PAGE 6Life in the oceans can be quite chatty and sociable! PAGE 6 ……
海洋生物Nearly half of the world’s marine life has disappeared in the last four decades, said a World... blamed several factors for the decline, including pollution, over-fishing and climate change. Marine指“与海洋 ……
顶桔子的白鲸LOOK at this white whale (白鲸). It is putting on a show in an aquarium (海洋馆) in Japan. The whale has to keep the orange on its head. What a difficult job! ……
Allure of the Seas (海洋魅力号) is the biggest boat in the world. A factory in Finland (芬兰) made it. The boat is as big as four soccer fields (足球场). It can hold (容纳) over 8,300 people. ……
2019年度水下摄影大赛:探秘海洋世界What does the ocean world look like? You can find out in this year’s Underwater Photographer of the Year contest. ……