(泡沫的) plastic, these houses can stand a 7-magnitude (震级) earthquake. Each of the houses, featuring ……
put up signs in six shops in Baltimore, giving facts about 590 ml bottles of fizzy (起泡沫的) drinks ……
fell and on which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain was a foaming (起泡沫的) waterfall ……
, there are millions of people drinking foamy (有泡沫的) beers at the Munich Oktoberfest. After September ……
. The factory put hot andfoamy(泡沫的) wastewater in it. Soon, the river began to smell bad. The fish ……
围炉而坐,熊熊火光照亮了暮色降临的屋子,照亮了浮动着绿色泡沫的家酒。酒已经很诱人了,而炉火又增添了温暖的情调。“家酒”和“小火炉”两个意象容易唤起读者对质朴地道的农村生活的情境联想。后面两句:“晚来...落尽见真淳。全诗寥寥二十字,没有华丽辞藻,字里行间却洋溢着热烈欢快的色调和温馨炽热的情谊,表现了温暖如春的诗情,不加任何雕琢,信手拈来,遂成妙章。“绿蚁新醅酒”,开门见山点出酒是新近酿好的,未经过滤,酒面泛起酒渣泡沫 ……