pluck up鼓气,提起(勇气等)He has been trying for weeks to pluck up the courage to pop the question.几星期以来,他一直想鼓起勇气向她求婚。 ……
木丛中胡乱拍打”,引申为说话不直接,拐弯抹角兜圈子。 Pop the question 是“求婚”的意思。John 还在考虑何时向 Christine 求婚,Angela 告诉他要相信自己的感觉。只要感觉对了,就不要再兜圈子,求婚这种事可得该出手时就出手! ……
! Canada magazine.Pop the (big) question在俚语中表示“向(女孩)求婚”,尤其指在出其不意状况下,比如:he plucked up his courage to pop the question to his dream girl. “求婚”较正式的书面说法是propose/propose to marry. 加拿大“朋克精灵”艾薇 ……
. The couple looked beyond ecstatic.Pop the question 俚语中是“求婚”的意思,较正式的书面说法是propose/propose to marry。赢得《美国之声》冠军,成功求婚女友,小胖哥乔丹·史密斯可谓人生赢家。 ……
了的”。《破产姐妹》主演贝丝·比厄宣布答应了男友的求婚,祝福这段六年的感情修成正果。“求婚”可以说make a proposal或pop the question。 ……
. I don’t want the stars in the sky, just happiness in life. I am very blessed.”Propose是“求婚”,即make an offer of marriage。范冰冰这个生日过得格外甜蜜。摘得金鸡奖最佳女演员;被男友甜蜜求婚。难怪她在微博发文:“我不要天上的星星,我只要尘世的幸福……” ……
A MAN from Qingdao proposed (求婚) to his girlfriend by dressing up as a carrot and dancing for her in a shopping center. Lucky bride-to-be Zhao Xinyu was shopping with her boyfriend Pang Kun when he ……
A MAN from Qingdao proposed (求婚) to his girlfriend by dressing up as a carrot and dancing for her in a shopping center. Lucky bride-to-be Zhao Xinyu was shopping with her boyfriend Pang Kun when he ……
馅饼与求婚Julien is a young singer in France. He wants to marry Sophie. She was a pretty girl born in a rich family. Sophie’s father doesn’t want to marry his daughter to a poor boy. He invites Julien ……
other for eight years. The Prince proposed to Middleton in Africa in October.Propose在这里是“求婚”的意思。我们 ……
visitor proposed (求婚) to a young woman after walking through the gateway, and she said yes ……
认的地下情侣,但他们从未承认恋爱关系。这一次公布恋情可谓高调,也许是为下一步求婚、结婚做铺垫。 ……
Schmitt.Take the plunge这个短语意为“冒险尝试”,菲尔普斯在2014年麻烦不断,二度酒驾遭禁赛处罚。在2015年开年求婚成功,希望“飞鱼”能借此契机理顺人生,重返赛场。 ……
《闰年》(Leap Year)是一部爱情轻喜剧。女主角Anna是一名优秀的布景师,想要和自己相恋四年的男朋友Jeremy早日步入婚姻的殿堂。可是Jeremy就是不开窍,迟迟不向她求婚。在一次晚宴上,Jeremy拿出了一个首饰盒,Anna满心欢喜地以为那是一个求婚戒指,没想到里面装的只是一副耳环……爸爸告诉Anna,在爱尔兰有一个传统,只要在每个闰年的2月29日,由女方向男方求婚,那么 ……
be some changes. The chipmunks hear that Dave is going to propose (求婚) to his girlfriend Samantha ……