and building the plotting scale (比例尺). But it was fantastic to work together with my partner! By Chen ……
呢?What is scale (比例尺)?The little ruler can tell you the distance (距离). 量出地图上的距离,再乘以比例尺上的长度,就是 ……
. It shows the moon’s geology (地质) in great detail (1:5,000,000 scale, 比例尺). It took scientists...) in great detail (1:5,000,000 scale, 比例尺). It took scientists 10 years to make the map. They made ……
allow the user tozoom inand out of maps on the computer screen and read maps of differentscales(比例尺 ……
中说明了地图的绘制方法、比例尺(scale)及地图投影(map projection)等问题。他绘制的27幅世界地图,即是世界上最早的地图集。托勒密的地图一直使用到16世纪,在西方地图史上具有划时代的意义。中世 ……