美国方言学会日前评选出美国年度流行词。“Plutoed”一词当选2006年度最流行词语。该词的当选源于冥王星(Pluto)被“降级”。国际天文学联合会大会去年投票决定把冥王星排除在行星之列。因此,Pluto被引申为动词Plutoed,意为“让某人或某物降级或贬值”。此次评选位居年度词语榜亚军的是“climate canary”(一种生物体或物种的亚健康状态和急剧减少的数量暗示的巨大环境灾难)。其他入围词语还有“macaca”或“macacamoment”,意为“像对待外国人那样对待美国公民”。. ……
美国民主党总统候选人贝拉克奥巴马在11月4日举行的总统选举中击败共和党对手约翰麦凯恩,当选为第56届美国总统,同时成为美国历史上首位非洲裔总统. 总部位于美国得克萨斯州的全球语言监测机构(Global. ……
谁是鹅美人?Who is the most beautiful goose4 in the world? It’s me! I’m from Hungary (匈牙利). I’m at a goose beauty contest (鹅选美比赛) in Hungary. I have beautiful feathers, a long neck and long legs. ……
奶牛选美大赛。DOES the cow look pretty? She is taking part in the Miss Milk Cow beauty contest in Vietnam (越南). The contest selects (挑选) cows that provide the most milk. And those with a solid torso (坚实 ……
Miss Cow奶牛也选美I’m Noga. I’m a beautiful cow in Israel (以色列). This year, Israel holds5 a Cow Queen competition (奶牛皇后选美赛). Twenty cows take part in (参加) it.See you in London!伦敦奥运会Let’s meet Wenlock ……
(选美比赛). Becoming a mermaid is not cheap. Many people spend thousands of dollars on their outfits... (选美比赛). Becoming a mermaid is not cheap. Many people spend thousands of dollars on their outfits ……
喵星人角逐选美大赛。 CATS also have beauty contests. On April 6, more than 200 cats gathered in Romania. They competed to be the most beautiful cat in the world. You can find different types of cats here ……
. The farmers get together with their buffalos. Every year, they hold a beauty contest (选美比赛), a fashion ……
Miss Earth 2016, Katherine Elizabeth Espin of Ecuador, is crowned by last year’s winner, Angelia Ong of the Philippines. The 16th Miss Earth pageant (选美比赛) was held on Oct 29 at the Mall of Asia ……
骆驼选美也疯狂Every year, there is a fun beauty contest (选美大赛) in Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯). All of the “beauties” are camels! This year’s contest began in January. The prize money (奖金) is more than $57 million ……
克隆骆驼“选美冠军”克隆骆驼“选美冠军” People in Dubai love camels. Every year, they pick the most beautiful camels. Many of them want to keep a “beauty queen”. So ……
VCG 卡塔尔举办阿拉伯马选美世界锦标赛卡塔尔举办阿拉伯马选美世界锦标赛D Beisan, a beautiful horse, was walking at the World Arabian Horse Championship (WAHC) in Doha, Qatar, on Dec 9. The horse won the top prize ……
Virginia“这一决定更加注重身体的功能,而不是它们的外形。”—— 南希·里德,前弗吉尼亚小姐 (USA Today)泳装展示似乎是选美比赛(beauty pageant)必不可少的环节,但今年的美国“妙龄小姐”选美大赛(Miss Teen USA)将会打破这个传统。活动主办方“环球小姐”评选组织(Miss Universe organization) 6月29日宣布,“妙龄小姐”选美 ……
to chenyuanyuan@21stcentury.com.cn"时事大擂台"下期辩论话题:近日,第61届世界小姐选美大赛在伦敦举行时,遭到了数百人的抗议,抗议者认为比赛过分强调女性的外貌。而在中国,名目繁多的选美比赛也屡见不鲜。你支持举办选美比赛吗?欢迎加入辩论。联系电话:010-64812126E-mail: chenyuanyuan@21stcentury.com.cn ……
grades. “时事大擂台”下期辩论话题:近日,第61届世界小姐选美大赛在伦敦举行时,遭到了数百人的抗议,抗议者认为比赛过分强调女性的外貌。在中国,名目繁多的选美比赛也屡见不鲜。你支持举办选美 ……