; 3. 谈谈活动后的收获和感受。审题 审题 1. 本篇作文以春天里的植树节活动为背景,第一段可以引入植树这一活动并介绍活动的参与者、时间和地点等。2. 第二段可以运用过去时来介绍自己植树的过程,注意植树活动各步骤的正确表达及各步骤间的逻辑联系。3. 第三段可以总结植树的经历,谈谈自己活动后的收获及感受。1. 本篇作文以春天里的植树节活动为背景,第一段可以引入植树 ……
植树节,种下我们的心愿!WHAT do you do on Arbor Day (植树节)? Plant trees, of course. How about “planting” wishes, too? University and middle school students of Tianjin planted trees together on March 12 ……
-Planting Day (植树节).As children’s first teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn how... Day (植树节).As children’s first teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn how ……
. For example, schools can teach children how to plant trees on Tree-Planting Day (植树节). ... Day (植树节). As children’s first teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn ……
trees on Tree-Planting Day (植树节). As children’s first teachers, parents should also encourage... children how to plant trees on Tree-Planting Day (植树节). As children’s first teachers ……
魔幻的植树节魔幻的植树节游戏玩法:游戏玩法: 两个人一组,事先不要读故事。其中一个人按照横线下面的提示让另一个人想出一个单词,然后由第一个人填在横线上。最后,一起大声朗读,欣赏你们的杰作! 两个人一组,事先不要读故事。其中一个人按照横线下面的提示让另一个人想出一个单词,然后由第一个人填在横线上。最后,一起大声朗读,欣赏你们的杰作! Last Friday ……
Students plant trees on Qixia Mountain. PROVIDED TO TEENSStudents plant trees on Qixia Mountain. PROVIDED TO TEENSMaking Earth greenMaking Earth green植树节,你去植树了吗?植树节,你去植树了吗?On March 12, 40 students ……
;南京市琅琊路小学明发滨江分校 三(5)班 祁麟怡Tree-planting Day我爱植树节Tree-planting Day我爱植树节Tree-planting Day ……
今年的植树节,我们能为绿化环境做点什么呢?A WORLD without trees could never be called home.With dirty air, no clean water and no birds, who could live there?If you want to make your home moreworthy(值得的) of its name, take ……
Tree-planting Day (植树节) is coming. It’s on March 12 in China. Do you have any plans for this day?Why are trees important?Trees make oxygen (氧气) for us to breathe (呼吸). In a place with more trees ……
March 12 is Tree Planting Day (植树节). 树可是大自然的宝贝!They do us a lot of good. Come with me to learn the life of trees.How does a tree work?Hi, I'm thetrunk! I carry water and food up from the roots ……
. Don't buy ancient forest timber products."---------------------------------------Arbor Day: 植树节 ……
三月正是春暖花开、万物萌生的时候。今年的植树节,你有没有和亲朋好友远足踏青、插柳植树呢?今天我们一起来看看与植物有关的习语吧。三月正是春暖花开、万物萌生的时候。今年的植树节,你有没有和亲朋好友远足踏青、插柳植树呢?今天我们一起来看看与植物有关的习语吧。1. nip in the bud意思是“将一件事物消灭在萌芽状态”。The whole idea was nipped ……
谱写人与自然和谐共生的中国式现代化新篇章。习近平总书记指出,今年是新中国植树节设立45周年。全国人民坚持植树造林(have been dedicated to planting trees... is to plant future)。习近平总书记指出,今年是新中国植树节设立45周年。全国人民坚持植树造林(have been dedicated to planting trees ……
QIANTUQIANTU3月12日是植树节,小伙伴们参加植树活动了吗?英语中与tree有关的习语,你又知道多少呢?我们一起来看看吧。3月12日是植树节,小伙伴们参加植树活动了吗?英语中与tree有关的习语,你又知道多少呢?我们一起来看看吧。1. at the top of the tree 意为“(在职业或事业中)处于首要地位,占显著地位”。Don&rsquo ……