Teacher: When do people talkleast(最少)?Student: In February.Teacher: Why?Student: Because February is the shortest month of the year. ……
Teacher: When do people talkleast(最少)?Student: In February.Teacher: Why?Student: Because February is the shortest month of the year. ……
: When do people talk least (最少)?Student: In February.Teacher: Why?Student: Because February ……
least (最少)?Student B: In February.Student A: Why?Student B: Because February is the shortest month ……
. But there are also some “clean” fruits and vegetables. They have the least amount (最少数量) of pesticides ……
该课程实行弹性学制,可以脱产学习,也可以半脱产或不脱产学习。全脱产学制为两年,半脱产或不脱产学习者视其修满学分与完成论文情况,最多不超过五年,最少不低于三年。采用互动研讨式、口译现场模拟式、项目翻译、专家讲座等多种教学方式。学员通过学校组织的答辩,经校学位委员会审核批准后,授予国务院学位委员会统一印制的MTI翻译硕士专业学位证书。联系人:梁老师,赵老师联系电话:(020)36207871E ……
of people across the world do not meet the minimum (最少的) amount of activity. It is suggested that about ……
money - just a minimum (最少量) of 10 yuan to fix one. One of the dolls took her a month to fix...;, according to a China News video.She doesn’t ask for much money - just a minimum (最少量) of 10 yuan ……
士兵奉命完成三项任务:任务A,任务B和任务C。每个人独立完成每项任务都需要一小时。但两人不能同时作一项工作。那么,他们最少需要多长时间完成所有的任务?Find your wayOne day, Joe ……
with pollen from genetically engineered corn.HELPdefence n. 防卫,保卫minimal adj. 最少的,最低限度的be rich in: 含有...HELPHELPHELPdefence n. 防卫,保卫minimal adj. 最少的,最低限度的be rich in: 含有丰富的...It would sharpen their eyesight and strenghten ……
斯队). He is expected to sign for the NBAminimum(最少的) wage of about US$720,000 dollars a season.Last ……
of the dove tree. People first found it in Sichuan in 1869.This tree is one of therarest(最少见的) plants ……
看看你最讨厌的颜色能告诉你什么。COLOUR can tell you who you are, how you do in everyday life and what you want. Don't believe this? Try the following test. Pick out the colour that you loveleast(最少的) among the eight ……
日前,记者从北京市旅游局了解到,目前北京市35家景区已配备8000余台多语种电子导游机,其中故宫的电子导游机可以使用22种语言进行解说,而颐和园、天坛等景区的导游机则可以使用11种语言,最少的也会中英两种语言。据了解,多语导游机所能囊括的语言种类还在不断增加,预计到明年奥运会之前,全北京景区景点内的多语导游机数量将达到3万台左右,最多的可以用44种语言进行解说。导游 ……
堵车,我迟到了。3. shred of dignity: 最后一点自尊. shred: 最少量,些许. I’m majoring in marketing, but I only have ……