“Hello Kitty”上天啦!Look! Hello Kitty is on a plane. A company in Taiwan has an airplane with Hello Kitty pictures on it. The plane will start flying between Taipei and Shanghai on May 23. Inside ……
乘着气球飞上天啦!乘着气球飞上天啦!Do you want to go into space? A US company wants to take people into space in a giant (巨大的) balloon. The balloon is 200 meters tall. It can take a capsule (太空舱) into space ……
“祝融号”驶上火星表面一百天啦!“祝融号”驶上火星表面一百天啦!China’s Mars rover (火星车) Zhurong had spent 100 days exploring the Red Planet’s surface (表面) as of Aug 30, according to the China ……
it home for the dog.""Gosh(天啦), Dad!" cries the excited son. "Have we got a dog then?" ……
骑着摩托车飞上天啦! In movies, we sometimes see cars flying in the sky. But now we can see them in real life as well. A US company made a flying motorcycle (摩托车) called Speeder. It is the world’s first flying ……
汽车要飞上天啦!You are on your way to school in a car. But there is a traffic jam ahead. Uh oh! Your car can’t move. You’re going to be late for school. What if (如果……将会怎么样) your car could fly ……
故事简介:"天啦,这真是让人悲伤的一天!"熊哥哥难过极了。"大家都通过了考试,为什么只有我的成绩都是D呢?"他战战兢兢地回到家里,把自己的成绩单递给熊爸爸……1. Mama and Sister watched from the next room as Papa looked at Brother's report card. Papa didn'texplode-not at first.2 ……
Editor's note:距离四级考试只有十多天啦!你准备得如何了呢?北京新东方学校的老师们为大家精心挑选了仔细阅读,选词填空和完形填空模拟题。赶紧来自测一下吧!此外,赵建昆老师还为大家整合了各部分的复习技巧。链接地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_51f5d31f0100jcfm.htmlReading in depth (25 minutes)Section ……
Editor's note:距离六级考试只有三天啦!你做好上“战场”的准备了吗?北京新东方学校的老师们为大家精心挑选了仔细阅读,简短回答和完形填空模拟题。赶紧练习一下,找一找考试的感觉吧!Reading in depth (25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a short passage with five ……
距离6月18日只有十天啦!广大六级考生已经进入最后的冲刺阶段了。在这里,北京新东方的名师们为大家整理了听力、写作和阅读三大部分的核心解题策略。赶紧来复习一下吧!六 级 听 力1.短对话短对话考查考生的理解能力,主要表现为对常见短语的替换能力。因此,解答短对话的关键就是利用选项与原文的替换关系。六级短对话不再只是单词之间的替换,而是短语甚至是句子之间的同义替换,所以 ……
距离12月18日只有十天啦!即将进入六级考场的同学们,准备好了吗?如何在最后十天有所突破呢?北京新东方学校的老师们从六级和四级的异同点出发,带领大家进行最后的抢分冲刺。六 级 写 作六级写作要求考生在30分钟内写出不少于150词的短文。不仅在词数要求上高于四级,六级写作更注重表达的多样性和篇章结构的合理布局。要想取得高分,就必须遵循以下几大原则:1.字迹清楚,段落明朗:字体大小要适中,字母 ……