state-of-the-art最先进水平的,最优良的The company employs state-of-the-art machines to produce the best cars.这家公司使用了目前最先进的机器来生产性能最棒的汽车。 ……
EVERY home needs a good toilet. But what about a home where no one lives?The Scottish Wildlife Trust has promised 50,000 pounds (about 500,000 yuan) for a state-of-the-art (最先进的) toilet on the island ……
最先进的机器人齐聚美国。ARE you a big fan of Transformers (《变形金刚》)? In the real world, robots are now fighting... in the Robotics Challenge Trials (机器人挑战赛) of DARPA (美国国防部先进研究项目局). In this competition, robots needed ……
and women who worked on the original.泰坦尼克2号采用了最先进的技术,英文用了ultra-modern (超现代的)、state-of-the-art (最先进的 ……
Ameca is designed to look like a human. ENGINEERED ARTSAmeca is designed to look like a human. ENGINEERED ARTS“世界上最先进的”人形机器人亮相。“世界上最先进的”人形机器人亮相。The “world’s most ……
as they are rarely shown on television. P10 (结果显示,许多影迷记不住20年前首次放映的影片的台词,因为它们很少在电视上播出。)6. state-of-the-art: 最先进的,最现.... This means no more scratches on film images and no more hisses distorting the sound. P7 (这种电影放映机配备了最先进的 ……
the most advanced (最先进的) technology and ideas from other countries. It opens a window for us to see ……
-of-the-art (最先进的)research or frontier knowledge. Since the size of the audience attending... fields. I often attend those that offer insights into state-of-the-art (最先进的)research or frontier ……
"the very newest and most advanced (最新的,最先进的)."2. What dose the word "blog" mean in the sentence ……
, latest version, most up-to-date model of something (最先进的).Q:What does "the usual sense" mean ……
等诸多功能。“奇侠”最大的特色是它采用了全数码设计,体现了目前最先进的三大高效学习方法——“句子中心学习法”“听读学习法”和“数字化学习方法”,具有高效而实用的外语学习功能。“奇侠”提倡的“句子中心学习法”强调通过句子营造的语境记单词、学语法、练习听力和口语。“奇侠”所提倡的“听读学习法”就是充分调动眼、耳、口、手、大脑等多感官进行多维记忆。今天是数字化的时代,生活在E时代的学生要采用更先进的 ……
由深圳市希望之光计算机有限公司研制生产的掌上英语学习机“随身学”自面世以来一直受到广大用户的一致好评。现在,该公司又推出了第四代产品。新版“随身学”采用了当今最先进的DSP数字信息处理技术、数字闪存技术、计算机技术及网络技术,除了具备前三代产品的功能外,新产品还有许多新的特点。新一代“随身学”具有视听同步、中英文互译显示、长时间数码录音、跟读复读、快速寻查等多种学习功能。不仅如此,新产 ……
(航空航天工程) when I go to university. I want to invent the world’s most advanced (最先进的) spacecraft.吴坤 ……
世界首个会说话的网络搜索条推出近日,中国日报网站与美国Accoona公司联合推出“会说话的网络搜索工具条”(www.accoona.cn)。该工具条采用最先进的文本朗读技术,语音语调自然流畅,声音清晰。用户在安装该工具条后,只要在任何网页上用鼠标选择任意一段英文文字,电脑就可以用标准的英文发音朗读出该段文字,帮助用户学习标准的英语口语。同时,用户在用英文建立网页时,该工 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
out how such a collision* could have happened. Both submarines are equipped with state-of-the-art (最先进的 ……