知道该怎么说。你根本就不替他人着想。)3. I'm sick of the way you do that; you are so rude.(我不喜欢你那样子;你太莽撞了。)4. If you don ……
and being able toput yourself in others' shoes(替他人着想).Lin Shidian (via e-mail): In my opinion, growing up ……
to put yourself in others'shoes(替他人着想).Jia Xinyuan: Being an adult has nothing to with physical ……
of maturity.12. be considerate of… 体谅,替……着想We should be considerate of the comfort of old people.13. put yourself in others’ shoes 替他人着想It also means learning to be less selfish and being able to put ……
family. 8. be considerate of … 体谅,替……着想We should be considerate of the comfort of old people.9. put yourself in others’ shoes 替他人着想It also means learning to be less selfish and being able to put yourself ……
摘自: 美词佳句集锦[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
of complaining is a sign of maturity. 7. be considerate of … 体谅, 替……着想We should be considerate of the comfort of old people.8. put yourself in others’ shoes 替他人着想It also means learning to be less selfish ……
摘自: 美词佳句集锦[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
文学出版社外国文学编辑室的马爱农是王永年译的《欧亨利小说全集》一书的责任编辑。在接受记者采访时,她回忆说:“王先生为人谦和,总是一副文质彬彬、面带微笑的样子。身为著名翻译家,译著等身,他却毫无架子,总是与人为善,替他人着想...一人。1993年,他编选、翻译了阿根廷作家、诗人博尔赫斯的诗文选集《巴比伦彩票》,是公认的最传神、最精准的中译本,他也因此应邀担任《博尔赫斯全集》的主要译者,译出博尔赫斯几乎全部的小说(除4篇由他人翻译)和大 ……