一场看似天衣无缝的盗窃案。TIMO came home from the park and saw a crowd in front of his neighbor Tony’s house. What was going on? It turned out that Tony’s house was ransacked (洗劫一空). Everything was gone ……
.“Eventually the technology will help us to create a brand-new seamless (无缝的) experience between ……
. But their feelings might change after they get a taste of the new express rail lines.Seamless (无缝的) tracks ……
*convergence and cooperation.Seamless原意为“无缝的”,引申为“紧密的,亲密无间的”,如: seamless cooperation (紧密合作)。所谓“无缝区域经济”,旨在...短语后引申为“团结一致”之意。seamless regional economy无缝区域经济Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC ……
seamlessly: 无缝的unparalleled : 无比的 ……
般捉摸不定的个性”熔铸成了一个无缝的整体。今年3月8日,恰逢国际妇女节,上海文艺出版社·艺文志工作室出版了由我翻译的英国传记作家林德尔·戈登所著的《弗吉尼亚·...岩般坚硬的事实”和“彩虹般捉摸不定的个性”熔铸成了一个无缝的整体。 ……