not, the "Ha's" have become uncontrollable (无法控制的) laughter, with heads bouncing (弹跳) on the bellies ……
's" have becomeuncontrollable(无法控制的) laughter, with headsbouncing(弹跳) on the bellies ofgiggling(咯咯 ……
. Watson plays one of the *burglars.Unruly表示“难驾驭的,无法控制的“。类似地, disobedient, rebellious为“不服从”。相反,tame表 ……
the appearance changes.”Tailspin原本形容飞机在下坠过程中的机尾乱转的状态,引申为情况或者事物糟糕到无法控制的阶段;deteriorate表示情况越来越糟糕;aggravate意思 ……
立) and arguments between teenagers can getout of hand(无法控制).You don't want to be amean(刻薄的) person who starts ……
Hi, I’m Thomas and I work as a writer and editor for Teens. I hope I can help you with your problems.我无法控制自己的情绪,该怎么办?Dear Thomas:I feel down these days, and sometimes I yell (叫喊) at people I love. I ……
初次登台体验着无法控制的紧张与恍惚,原来这种感受也美如晴天。MY first performance in front of an audience was coming up soon.I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered ……
is a nightmare.演讲者以这段优美又颇有寓意的比喻作开场,用自己乘热气球环游世界的经验总结出了人生感悟:我们无法控制在生活中我们要驶向哪个方向,而对 ……
will break’Cos I made a stupid mistake我让你失望了,很失望我的女孩,我真是个大傻瓜在受到诱惑的时候我应该先冷静下来那无法控制 ……
in an area of the brain that controls compulsive (无法控制的) behavior and addiction (瘾). It then pushes us ……
有一些地方需要微调一下。runaway 失去控制的如:a runaway horse (一匹脱缰的马);runaway inflation (无法控制的通货膨胀)The government needs to do something about the runaway health costs.政府应该控制不断上涨的医疗费用。其他跟房价调控政策有关的词,如:低于市场价below-market ……
some very precious animals from Africa.大批游人涌向动物园去看非洲来的一些珍惜动物。out of hand立刻,马上,无法控制His application... to make ends meet.他们失了业,还要养活两个小孩,无法维持起码的生活。 ……
each other. Guangdong fans threw bottles at the Xinjiang players. Frenzied 意思是“疯狂、无法控制的”,贬义词,如 ……
局的调查员也盯上了他们俩,一场当事人已经无法控制的闹剧上演了……精彩回放以下是两段男女主角讨论假结婚的对白:AAndrew: Margaret.Margaret: Yes?Andrew: I’m ……
她事业如日中天之际,一个噩耗传来——因为某些技术性原因,她的签证无法续签,而她本人不得不被遣送回原籍加拿大。她灵机一动,决定要挟安德鲁同她假结婚以换取绿卡。安德鲁虽然不情愿也只好答应了。面对玛格利特的火速结婚,移民局的调查员也盯上了他们俩,一场当事人已经无法控制的闹剧上演了……精彩回放以下是两段男女主角讨论假结婚的对白:AAndrew: Margaret.Margaret: Yes?Andrew ……