疯狂的斗牛士。IS the bull (公牛) angry because of the color red? In Colombia on Dec 22, a Spanish bullfighter (斗牛士) gave an amazing show. With the angry bull, he went up and down in the air, just like ……
动物秘密Bulls get excited (激动的) when they see red things. Is it true? No. Bulls ar color-blind (色盲). Bullfighters (斗牛士) wave red capesto attract the audience (观众). Bulls get excited by the waving (晃动 ……
on it. In the MV for Mamacita, they play cool cowboys (牛仔) and matadors (斗牛士). The MV got more than 2 ……
No bull too big for 13 year-old我是英勇的小小"斗牛士"。HE is 13 andweighs(称重) just 51 kilograms. But Jairo...'s youngestbullfighter(斗牛士). He started taking part in fights at his family's farm at age eight ……
西班牙斗牛Spanish3 people like bullfighting. In summer, Spain holds (举办) many bullfights. A bullfighter (斗牛士) holds (拿) a piece of bright red cloth. But all bulls are color-blind (色盲的). Red can hide ……
Spanish bullfighter (斗牛士) Juan Jose Padilla performs a pass on a bull with a cloak (披风) during a bullfight at the Maestranza bullring in Seville, Spain. Bullfighting is probably one of the best-known ……
西班牙斗牛士在中国显示高超技艺!THEY hold a large red cloth to make the bulls angry. They get as close as they can... at the weekend, three of Spain's topmatadors(斗牛士) fought at the first ever Spanish bullfight in China.Three ……
: theSamba(桑巴舞),Rumba(伦巴舞), andCha Cha(恰恰舞), plus thePaso Doble(斗牛士进行曲舞蹈) from Europe and theJive(摇摆物) from ……
that bullfighting is bad- this time for the bulls, not for the fighters.西班牙政府再度认定斗牛有害——这次是对公牛不利,而不是对斗牛士不利。key:C ……
摘自: 中考链接[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]
. He is like a bullfighter (斗牛士). He can always drive his rivals (对手) mad and control the game ……
的, 滥用的matador 斗牛士pizza 比萨饼withdrawal 提款 ……
for the bulls, not for the fighters.西班牙政府再度认定斗牛有害——这一次认为是对公牛不利,而不是对斗牛士不利。Key:C ……
stars by crazy fans. 21ST-------------------------------------arena: 竞技场matador: 斗牛士fertility: 繁殖力 ……
the bull is exhausted, the bullfighter kills the bull with his sword. (355期,4-5版) 当公牛筋疲力尽了以后,斗牛士 ……
machismo 男子气概matador 斗牛士municipality 市政当局overwhelming 压倒性的prelude 前奏slick 光滑的 Spaniard 西班牙人trophy 战利品...记者们却仍然积极地为之助阵叫好。游客才是导致斗牛活动盛行、公牛悲惨丧命的始作俑者。那些参加奔牛的人们,如果知道公牛其实是在奔向死亡,还会参加这项活动吗?我们希望答案是否定的,如果 ……