*convicted Internet rumormonger since the start of the campaign.Rumormonger可作名词表示“造谣者、散播谣言者”,也可用作动词表示“散播 ……
是第一个得传染病(epidemic),并开始散播病毒的患者。 ……
help the plant spread (散播) to other places.Corpse flowers grow only in tropical (热带) Asia. It grows..., and fly off with pollen (花粉) on their legs. The insects help the plant spread (散播) to other places ……
和"芝麻街"上的布偶一起进步和成长!词数 216 建议阅读时间 5分钟 Sesame Street(芝麻街) show started in the 1960s in the US. It quicklyspread(散播) all over the world. Kids love itspuppet(布偶) characters like theCookie Monster(饼干 ……
Hi, I’m James and I work as a writer and editor for Teens. I hope I can help you with your problems.学校里有个女孩总是说我坏话,该怎么办?Dear James,I heard a girl at school spreading rumors (散播谣言) about me. I’m too ……
Hi, I’m James and I work as a writer and editor for Teens. I hope I can help you with your problems.学校里有个女孩总是说我坏话,怎么办?Dear James,I heard a girl at school spreading rumors (散播谣言) about me. I’m too ……
me. Stop making stories!” she wrote.Talk idly指“散播谣言”。长久以来,谢娜打压吴昕的传闻一直不绝于耳。最近,谢娜终于做出了正面回应。“澄清传言”可以 ……
on the show. Tell tales的意思为“散播谣言或者泄密”。长久以来,谢娜打压吴昕的传闻一直不绝于耳。最近,谢娜终于在节目中做出了正面回应。“澄清传言”可以说set the record straight ……
(散播) vulgar (粗俗) content. If content is not properly managed in accordance with (按照) the protocol..., especially avoiding using clickbait, spreading rumors (谣言) and disseminating (散播) vulgar (粗俗) content ……
FROM INSTAGRAM美国夫妇散播花种,让人们亲近自然美国夫妇散播花种,让人们亲近自然词数 193 建议阅读时间 3分钟 词数 193 ……
. It will be included in the next print edition of Collins Dictionary.“假新闻”的定义是“假借新闻报道散播的虚假的、常常具有煽动性的信息 (sensational ……
side is that anger couldspread(散播). If kids don'tcontrol(控制) themselves, things could become worse.Song ……
hiatus 间断legendary 传奇的viral 病毒般散播的 ……
stories!” she wrote.Talk idly指“散播谣言”。长久以来,谢娜打压吴昕的传闻一直不绝于耳。最近,谢娜终于做出了正面回应。“澄清传言”可以说set the record straight ……
anything at all!” Key wordsspread v. 传播,散播He spread the news around the town.damage v. 损害,损坏 ……