在刚刚闭幕的北京国际教育博览会上,各国驻华签证官们首次现身说法,向中国教师和学生揭开留学签证的“神秘面纱”,就如何才能成功申请签证进行指导。美国:签证手续更加复杂今年美国签证手续更加复杂,增加了确认指纹的新程序,此外还建立了专门的电话预约中心,申请者需要买专门的充值电话卡,打电话进行预约。从电话预约到使馆面谈,直至申请签证,这个过程大概只需两个星期时间。对于 ……
5月27日,由110名英国各地中小学校长及地方教育官员组成的代表团来到中国,开始了为期一周的交流访问,该活动也揭开了中英两国文化合作项目的序幕。此项交流活动由英国文化协会和国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室(汉办)共同组织,为期两天的北京文化教育交流活动结束后,英国代表团将飞赴全国各地,与当地教育官员及合作学校校长进行面对面的沟通与交流,共商中英语言教育发展大计。据了解,该活 ……
课堂教学过程是教师与学生互动的过程,是一个提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的过程. 教师以怎样的方式提问、提出什么类型的问题,直接影响到课堂教学的进程和学生思维能力的培养. ……
一、引言科普说明文是当今高考命题的热点和必考点,在2015年的全国和各省、市自主命题的15份高考阅读理解试题中,选用的科普说明文多达24篇. 本文将以2015年高考真题为例,分析该类文章的选材特点、文本特征、语言特色等命题特点,归纳梳理此类文章的阅读策略和解题技巧. ……
1. She is a 24-year-old Chinese actress and singer. She was born in Wuhan, Hubei. ……
The logo for the 2012 London Olympics was unveiled (揭开面纱) last week. The four blocks combine (结合) to form the numbers 2012. ……
科学家揭开指纹的奥秘 科学家揭开指纹的奥秘 A new study shows why our fingerprints are unique and how they are formed PAGE 6A new study shows why our fingerprints are unique and how they are formed  ……
lift the veil of secrecy揭开神秘面纱Russia has lifted the veil of secrecy over a vast new diamond field.... Over the weekend, Russia declassified the news.Lift the veil表示“揭开面纱”,除了后面接secrecy表示“揭开秘密”,还可以接其他词汇,表示 ……
TMSTMS柯南新电影上映,揭开“绯色子弹”背后的秘密柯南新电影上映,揭开“绯色子弹”背后的秘密Watch out! Detective Conan is back on the big screen with a new crime to solve. He has to stop a speeding bullet train ……
揭开棕色大熊猫之谜揭开棕色大熊猫之谜Not all pandas are black and white. Some can be brown and white just like Qizai in the picture. It’s because a part of one of their genes (基因) is missing. So, they have fewer ……
XINHUAXINHUA三星堆再 “上新”: 又一批珍贵文物揭开神秘面纱。三星堆再 “上新”: 又一批珍贵文物揭开神秘面纱。Archaeologists at the Sanxingdui Ruins site have uncovered more cultural relics, including an almost intact gold ……
根据下列线索,大家一起来揭开本期“神秘人物”的面纱吧。• He is a famous American actor and acts in many Hollywood movies. • He acted in a very famous movie in 1997. The movie tells of a love story on a huge ship ……
With Hayao Miyazaki (《宫崎骏:十载同行》) reveals (揭开) the mystery. The four-part documentary focuses... (《宫崎骏:十载同行》) reveals (揭开) the mystery. The four-part documentary focuses on the director&rsquo ……
With Hayao Miyazaki (《宫崎骏:十载同行》) reveals (揭开) the mystery. The four-part documentary focuses... Miyazaki (《宫崎骏:十载同行》) reveals (揭开) the mystery. The four-part documentary focuses on the director&rsquo ……
科学家揭开蝗虫聚集的奥秘。科学家揭开蝗虫聚集的奥秘。Just bigger than a paper clip, a single locust (蝗虫) living a solitary (独居的) life seems harmless. But in a swarm (一大群), locusts are a clear danger to crops (农作物). What ……