委婉语是各种语言中共有的一种词汇现象,指尽力避免使用引起对方不快或冒犯对方的词语,转而采用一种迂回曲折的语言表达形式. 委婉语在英语中的对应词euphemism源于希腊语中的euphemismos,意为“好听的言语”. 在英语中,委婉语通常与性、人体、死亡等主题相关,例如,pass. away是die的委婉语. ……
Where the railway bendsA young man was on a train. As the train turned a corner, it slowed down and then a plain house came into sight. The house looked so different from the grey apartment buildings of the city that everybody on the train turned to look at it. ……
. When light goes through water, it bends (拐弯) in just the right way to flip (翻动) the fish. ……
n. 重力head v. 向前进;作名词是"头"意思steer v. 掌舵,此处可译成"拐弯"potential adj. 潜在的means n. 手段;方法HELPHELPHELPgravity n. 重力head v. 向前进;作名词是"头"意思steer v. 掌舵,此处可译成"拐弯"potential adj. 潜在的means n. 手段;方法gravity n. 重力head v ……
. It goes through the twists (弯曲) and turns (拐弯) fast. Making this is easy. Good luck making your own ……
“灌木丛”。据说,从前英国贵族打猎时会先派人进入树林,用树枝敲打树,以让鸟类或小动物受到惊吓而跑出来。后来 beat around the bush 就演变成说话“拐弯抹角”的意思了。近义表达:1. Talk in a roundabout wayTalk in a roundabout way意为“不将自己内心的真实想法直接表达出来,说话拐弯抹角。”例如:He dislikes talking ……
气流也会拐弯。气流也会拐弯。Moving air – such as the wind on a breezy (微风的) day – often seems to “stick” to solid objects (固体), as this experiment shows.Moving air – such as the wind ……
Beat around/about the bushMeaning: talk about something without coming to the main point; hesitate when one does not want to say something 东拉西扯,拐弯抹角地说Example: "Stop beating about the bush and tell us ……
学英语一定要坐在教室里捧着课本吗?走出课堂,用心寻找,你会发现英语学习无处不在!快来跟Timo 一起搜集生活中实用的英语标志吧!如果你拍到了有趣的英语标志牌,就给我们发邮件至:penglun@21stcentury.com.cn!ONE WAY 是"单行线"的意思,司机们看到这个标志就知道,箭头所指的这个方向只能直行,不能拐弯或掉头。EXIT 表示"出口",紧急 ……
走出课堂,用心寻找,你会发现英语学习无处不在!快来跟Timo一起搜集生活中实用的英语标志吧!如果你拍到了有趣的英语标志牌,请发邮件至:wang.jin@21stcentury.com.cn! 别忘了写上邮件主题“实用英语投稿”。PHOTO BY SHEN GANG 这是一块交通指示牌。 turn是“拐弯”,MON是Monday的缩写,FR是Friday的缩写,合起来的意思是“(此处)周一 ……
木丛中胡乱拍打”,引申为说话不直接,拐弯抹角兜圈子。 Pop the question 是“求婚”的意思。John 还在考虑何时向 Christine 求婚,Angela 告诉他要相信自己的感觉。只要 ……
You can pick the path that you want to go down, but you have no idea if that path forks (分叉) or goes left or right around that bend (拐弯). You just pick the path. Once you commit to it, you’re ……
说这种话是什么意思。)谈论某些话题时,有人可能会:*拐弯抹角:beat about the bush; talk in a roundabout wayI wish you would answer my questions more directly. Don't beat about the bush somuch.(我希望你直截了当地回答我的问题,别老是这样拐弯抹角。)但我们决不可以:*口是 ……
seconds to finish!Drivers must be able to take thecorners(拐弯) really fast. If it was only a straight race ……
助于让恐龙保持身体平衡,而且在奔跑中可以迅速拐弯。句中的balance做动词。 ……