英国著名女作家J.K.罗琳手绘的最新童话故事书《游唱诗人比多故事集》(The Tales of Beedle the Bard)日前在伦敦拍卖,以195万英镑(约400万美金)高价成交,刷新了现代文学手稿拍卖价的世界纪录。据报道,《游唱诗人比多故事集》全球只发行了7本。这次拍卖会的收益将被收入一个慈善基金以帮助欧洲的贫苦儿童。该书是罗琳在“哈七”之后的首部创作。罗琳表示,该书是对“哈利波特”系列 ……
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国文学史上的重要著作--一本莎士比亚的首部戏剧集近日在伦敦佳士得拍卖行被以超过43万英镑(约合78万美元)的价格卖出。该戏剧集在莎翁去世7年后即1623年出版,共印刷了200册。书中共包括36部戏剧,其中18部作品是在该书中首次问世,其中包括《麦克白》(Macbeth)、《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)等。佳士得拍卖行图书部主任Margaret Ford说 ……
好玩又有意义的慈善拍卖会。"FIFTY yuan for these books. Going once, going twice, sold (售出)!” This was an auction (拍卖会) at a Beijing school. Students gave out 30 things like books and pens for the auction ……
Pablo Picasso’s work has earned more than $ 1.163 billion through sales and auctions (拍卖). The most expensive painting ever sold was his “Boy with a Pipe” that brought in $ 104 million in 2004.(1 US ……
近日,英国著名文学家查尔斯狄更斯的作品出版物拍卖会在纽约克里斯蒂拍卖行举行。拍卖品中包括一套1838年正式出版的第一版《雾都孤儿》,该书由狄更斯亲笔签名赠送给了著名作家威廉艾斯沃。这套书最终以22.9万美元的高价成交。这是有史以来英国文学家的作品出版物在拍卖会上创下的最高价格。 ……
AFP 毕加索画作即将拍卖毕加索画作即将拍卖Workers in London, UK, put up Pablo Picasso’s painting on Oct 6...). It will soon go on auction (拍卖). People from around the world will name their price to buy it. It may ……
IC 巨型恐龙骨架在法国拍卖巨型恐龙骨架在法国拍卖Two people stood in front of a big dinosaur skeleton (骨架....Vulcan was sold for 6 million euros (about 46 million yuan) at an auction (拍卖会) near Paris ……
作品拍卖收入最高的艺术家。IT is said that everything his brush touched turned to gold, but in truth, the value... for a painting at auction (拍卖) in 2010, Spanish post-impressionist (后印象派) painter Pablo Picasso remains ……
the hammer表示“被拍卖”,例如:More than 1,000 relics will come under the hammer in France。Hammer指拍卖师手中所持的小锤。“交付拍卖”的说法还有to be put up for auction。礼帽和拐杖曾是默片时代查理·卓别林塑造的“小流浪汉”经典标志,如今再次成为人们追捧的热门对象。 ……
世界首幅AI绘制画作将拍卖。Paintings created by famous artists usually sell for lots of money. But what about... of the world’s most famous auction (拍卖) houses, is auctioning an AI-painted portrait for the very first ……
Text message auctioned: Maximillien Aguttes, Aguttes auction (拍卖) house’s development manager... Aguttes, Aguttes auction (拍卖) house’s development manager, presents a special replica (复制 ……
AFPAFPMaximillien Aguttes, Aguttes auction (拍卖) house’s development manager, presents...) in Paris. The text was sent on Dec 3, 1992. Maximillien Aguttes, Aguttes auction (拍卖) house ……
人类首次登月采集的尘埃样本被拍卖人类首次登月采集的尘埃样本被拍卖You are looking at the first-ever moon dust (尘埃... (拍卖) in New York City. US astronaut Neil Armstrong collected the dust during the Apollo 11 ……
最小的画家!Hi, my name is Phoenix Perego. I'm from the US. I was born in April, 2004. I like drawing pictures. When I was 2 years and 32 days old, I had a gallery show (画展) .其中有两幅画还公开拍卖了呢! ……
868 million yuanHOW much can a painting sell at an auction (拍卖) ? The Scream (《呐喊》) by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch made a record when it was sold for 730 million yuan in 2012. But now the most ……