充满魅力的拉美大陆How much do you know about Latin America – a land of magic? PAGE 4 ……
21ST据《纽约时报》报道,美国人口普查局最新统计数据显示,有两个拉美姓氏首次进入全美最常用十大姓氏之列,这体现了美国种族构成日趋多元化的特征。统计显示,Smith仍为美国第一大姓,用这...这两个拉美姓氏首次进入“十强”。美国十大姓氏的变化反映了美国拉丁裔人口猛增的趋势。1990年至今,美国前25大姓氏中的拉美姓氏从3个增加到6个,拉美裔人口增加了58%。如今,美国拉美 ……
AFP 暴力事件频发, 拉美国家组织学生进行安全演习暴力事件频发, 拉美国家组织学生进行安全演习Pupils cover their heads as they lie on the floor during an active shooter drill (积极的枪击演习). This drill happened in a school in Caracas (加拉 ……
. For the second year in a row, acceptance rates for African American and Hispanic (拉美裔的) students... at 40.8 percent. For the second year in a row, acceptance rates for African American and Hispanic (拉美 ……
;The census gathered generational data in 2020. Non-Hispanic (非拉美裔的) white people make up 77 percent... in 2020. Non-Hispanic (非拉美裔的) white people make up 77 percent of the population over the age of 75 ……
罗纳尔多:我想做绿茵场上的常胜将军FOOTBALL star Ronaldo is one of the world's top players, and he can't stop winning! He's just won the prize for the Best Latin-American Football Player (拉美最佳足球先生)in the Spanish ……
, it is "作为拉美大国,巴西和阿根廷的经济骚乱预示着2003年的拉美将不会平静。” ……
角).Menzies, however, says Zheng He went further, reaching Latin America (拉美), the Caribbean (加勒 ……
at the government's actions. There are other Hispanics (拉美裔人) going on strikes on the streets.In my class ……
美国近日发布的一项全国性调查显示,与过去人们认为的移民排斥英语学习的观念相反,美国拉美移民反而更倾向于学习美国的语言和文化。“THEY don’t want to learn English” is a favored refrain among anti-immigrant forces seeking to restrain new immigration into the United ……
《百年孤独》展示拉美文学魅力。 词数 306 建议阅读时间 4分钟“Magical realism” – readers who know of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Columbian writer famous for his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (《百年孤独》), might understand ……
这一无证移民(undocumented immigrants)群体共有约80万人,大多数为拉美裔(Hispanic),媒体将他们称为“逐梦者(Dreamers)”。 ……
和右派的含义随着时间的推移会发生变化,从目前拉美的实际情况看,拉美左派的主要特点是:强调社会公正,高度重视通过社会变革缩小贫富差距,在对外政策上普遍带有“反美”色彩。2006年,古巴前领导人菲德尔·卡斯特罗卸任后,查韦斯从这位多年好友手中接过了拉美左派阵营领导人的大旗。3.背景这是查韦斯人生中最戏剧化的时刻之一。1992年查韦斯领导了旨在推翻时任总统佩雷斯政权的军事政变。政变失败,政府 ……
He Jiashu is happy to learn about other cultures in school. PROVIDED TO TEENSHe Jiashu is happy to learn about other cultures in school. PROVIDED TO TEENS听讲座了解异彩纷呈的拉美文化听讲座了解异彩纷呈的拉美文化词数 383 建议 ……
美国一项最新调查研究表明,尽管美国外来移民人数众多,但这并不会威胁英语作为美国主导语言的地位。这项研究对认为拉美移民能够独自形成双语社会因而会改变美国文化的观点进行了反驳。THE English language is not an endangered species in the United States, despite an influx of immigrants ……