美国掘地三尺寻找拉登,殃及阿富汗无辜平民。THE ground attacks against Osama bin Laden (本·拉登) and the Taliban (塔利班) may...捞针launch v. start 发动proof n. 证据campaign n. 战役cluster bomb: 集束炸弹the innocent: 无辜者 ……
饱受战火蹂躏的人们何时才能看到和平的曙光?IN an era of medical breakthroughs, no cure has yet been found for war. When diplomacy (外交) fails, the victims often include masses of innocent civilians (无辜平民).Even as the 21st ……
么世界听不到我们的声音?为什么没有人来帮助我们?”于是,她和妈妈一起开通了推特账户,通过文字、照片和视频记录叙利亚无辜平民的水深火热,以此来表达对和平的渴望。9月24日,Alabed发布 ……