染力的演讲一定来自于演讲者本人的亲身经历。“I”“我”,这个字眼在公共表达语境下的力量是无穷的,因为这是一个演讲者的剖心之举。而人都是自私、自恋的,每个人在讲到自己的事情时是最投入的。你全情投入,自然就有了感染力。经常有人问我,怎么才能让演讲更有感染力?我觉得你要看一看自己的素材,你讲述的内容是自己的事情吗?如果不是自己的事情,潜意识里你不会那么在意的——哪怕你训练自己要投入、要有感染力、要有 ……
. Finally, I think teaching is meaningful. By being dedicated (投入的) to a teaching career, I... and active. Finally, I think teaching is meaningful. By being dedicated (投入的) to a teaching career, I ……
into practice, and cheer for your teammates at games. If your coach sees that you're a dedicated (投入的 ……
n.)intense adj. 强烈的;热切的;投入的There is no "I" in "team". 字面意思是team这个词中没有I字母。实际意思是"团队中没有个人。"Key:AA ……
more engaged (投入的).” ……
a lot more engaged (投入的).” ……
高考词汇kick off 开始It might be a good idea to kick the show off with a few folk songs.desperate adj. 极度渴望的She was desperate to prove that she was right. dedicated adj. 专注的,投入的 ……
to become more engaged (投入的) in your community through service projects.2. Get a job. Paid work ……
be more engaged (投入的) in learning when we are alone in front of a computer with no one to distract us ……
. “They were a lot more engaged (投入的).” ……
dedicated (投入的) to soccer, but to languages, too. He found time to learn between matches as he thought ……
is a wonderful time to become more engaged (投入的) in your community through service projects.2. Get a job ……
is quickly approaching.Yet my love for this school continues growing. Every teacher here is dedicated (投入的....Yet my love for this school continues growing. Every teacher here is dedicated (投入的) to teaching us ……
是东西总在这个地方神秘消失。This video game is a black hole eating up my time. 这个电子游戏就像黑洞一样消耗我的时间。此处用于比喻特别消耗资源的事物,就像个无底洞,让投入的...用于比喻特别消耗资源的事物,就像个无底洞,让投入的钱财或时间都打了水漂。 ……
of learning,” Xu told Teens. “When playing games, students become more engaged (积极投入的... of learning,” Xu told Teens. “When playing games, students become more engaged (积极投入的 ……