人体能做的最快动作:打响指人体能做的最快动作:打响指How fast can you blink your eyes? It takes only 150 milliseconds (毫秒). But scientists found that a finger snap (响指) is even faster! It takes us only seven ……
(打响指) to get a waiter’s attention and letting one’s children run around the restaurant. Others include ……
your pulse (脉搏) or the movements when you snap (打响指) fingers.The World Cultural Council (WCC ……
they may be here faster than you cansnap(打响指) your fingers!For example, last week in Hong Kong customers ……
《地球生命力报告2018》:别让地球毁在我们手里。 词数 347 建议阅读时间 7分钟In the latest Avengers movie – Avengers: Infinity War (《复仇者联盟:无限战争》) – Thanos, the bad guy, has a scary power. He snaps his fingers (打响指) and half ……
) Thanos snapped his fingers (打响指), and the other half don’t know what to do next. What can they do ……
(缩小) in size.∏ FingersWhen we snap our fingers (打响指), there is a popping sound. Why ……
?! Snap one’s fingers (at sth)表示“迅速地去完成某事(就像打打响指那么快)”。 词组in a fix指“处境困难,进退两难”,如 ……
come to pass.●snap one’s fingers: 打响指。电影中Thanos拥有无限力量,哪怕打个响指就会让宇宙产生极大的动荡,半数人都会因此丧命。也可以用snap one...嵌于金属手套上。有了这个手套,只需打个响指便能抹去宇宙半数的生命。为了拯救宇宙,复仇者联盟和一众超级英雄倾尽全力,阻止Thanos的疯狂行为。决战来临之际,Thanos向奇异博士Dr Stephen ……
’s fingers: 打响指。电影中Thanos拥有无限力量,哪怕打个响指就会让宇宙产生极大的动荡,半数人都会因此丧命。也可以用snap one’s fingers at sth表示“不尊重……,不把...嵌于金属手套上。有了这个手套,只需打个响指便能抹去宇宙半数的生命。为了拯救宇宙,复仇者联盟和一众超级英雄倾尽全力,阻止Thanos的疯狂行为。决战来临之际,Thanos向奇异博士Dr Stephen ……