.Someone's going to lookProblem is, peeking is inevitable (不可避免的). Whether it's your snooping (打听的 ……
directed our way, but now when a prying (爱打听的) relative asks about our test scores or plans ……
a family elder directed our way, but now when a prying (爱打听的) relative asks about our test grades or dream ……
末过得怎样) 只要注意时态和数的变化,你可以在"How be"后面加上各类你想打听的事情。How come: 为什么? 怎么会这样?通常用在你觉得奇怪而问为什么的时候。当你 ……
Teens邀你变身沉着冷静、足智多谋的大侦探,一起抽丝剥茧破解重重谜案。ALL human beings have a strong, passionate (非常强烈的) desire to know. We are all very curious. This desire is shown in many ways. Sometimes we are just nosy (好打听的 ……
这个夏天,Teens邀你和世界著名大侦探一起抽丝剥茧破解悬案。ALL human beings have a strong, passionate (非常强烈的) desire to know. We are all very curious. This desire is shown in many ways. Sometimes we are just nosy (好打听的 ……
whatever questions a family elder directed our way, but now when a prying (爱打听的) relative asks about ……
摘自: 高考模拟测试(一)[浙江 温静;吉林 刘丽伟;TEENS高考研究小组, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
无论长辈们问我们什么问题,我们常常必须回答;但现在,当那些爱打听的亲戚询问我们的考试成绩或者梦想中的大学这类我们不希望别人知道的信息时,即便他们是一片好意,我们也会觉得受到了冒犯。32. C。从文 ……