. Internet users now use it to describe any kind of special effect.Onomatopoetic意为“拟声的”。成龙在2004年的广告被翻出,Duang一下成为了网络热词。这对成龙的新电影上映无疑有积极影响。 ……
成龙勇夺国际动作特技大奖TOP Hong Kong kung fu movie star Jackie Chan has won an international stunt acting award (动作特技奖). He follows in the footsteps of Arnold Schwarzenegger (阿诺德·施瓦辛格), who held the title last ……
美国功夫小子秀功夫Do you know Jaden Smith? He is a big kungfu kid star in the US (美国). The 12-year-old American boy acts with Jackie Chan (成龙) in the movie The Karate Kid (《功夫梦》). The Karate Kid wins (赢得 ……
房祖名收到的最酷的礼物.JAYCEE Fong is a singer. He has a famous father — kungfu star Jackie Chan (成龙). Jaycee’s new album (专辑) sells well. His father is very happy about it. He gave Jaycee a gift – a glove (手套 ……
Chan (成龙). Earlier this month, The Karate Kid won “Favorite Movie of the Year” at the 2011 Kid’s Choice ……
and talented4. Mostly “B”:You are Yao Ming or Jackie Chan (成龙). You are smart. You always have your own ideas ……
成龙获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。It’s about time! Chinese actor Jackie Chan, 62, has worked in the film industry for 56 years. And he is in more than 200 movies. On Nov 12, Chan received an honorary Oscar (奥斯 ……
有自己的风格。"——成龙(香港影星)成龙如今已是巨星,但他在创业初期也曾面临严峻挑战,那就是他试图走影坛传奇人物李小龙的路子,结果票房不佳,因此他开始尝试不同的方式。他说,"李小龙踢得高,我就往低踢。" 他还 ……
him to fall forwards. Despite this, he was able pull himself upright in one smooth, swift motion.中国体操小将张成龙在体操世锦赛上的单杠表现让他一战成名。描写体操运动中一系列连贯的动作衔接是学英语的好机会。张成龙之前的wind up将身体卷起,然后利用爆发力将身体腾空(explode ……
中punch一词又正好和成龙功夫明星的身份呼应。类似短语还有once and for all表示“一了百了”;terminus原意是“火车或公交的最后一站”,实际使用中被引申为“最后的阶段、终结”。功夫巨星成龙 ……
plant。形容“退出”还可以说drop out, 而drop/fall by the wayside则是半途而废。动作喜剧《十二生肖》真的会是成龙大哥的最后一部“鸿篇巨制”么? ……
多年来在大银幕上展示的精彩绝伦的中国功夫,成龙被奥斯卡授予终身成就荣誉,他还给自己定了个小目标,希望这不是他赢得的最后一座小金人。21st ……
词有eminent, prestigious等。成龙身着唐装出席颁奖典礼领取奥斯卡终身成就奖,他手捧小金人感谢了支持自己的影迷,表示为自己的中国人身份而骄傲。 ……
随英雄拯救地球,看成龙死而复生,还有赵薇的"麻雀变凤凰"。暑假大片让你一次看个够!WATCHING films is a good way to spend those long hot... was just skin deep?3.Highbinders(《飞龙再生》): It'sJackie Chan(成龙) again! And he is playing a policeman ……
巨星Kung fu superstars 功夫巨星Bruce Lee (李小龙) and Jackie Chan (成龙) made kung fu known around the world...;Bruce Lee (李小龙) and Jackie Chan (成龙) made kung fu known around the world. They acted in many movies ……