. Thenmassagethe muscle gently.HELPinevitable adj. 不可避免的panic v. 惊慌,慌乱towel n. 毛巾massage v. 按摩spit v. 吐(唾沫),吐出HELPHELPHELPinevitable adj. 不可避免的panic v. 惊慌,慌乱towel n. 毛巾massage v. 按摩spit v. 吐(唾沫),吐出inevitable adj ……
.---------------------------------------plus: 有利因素query: 问题rattle: 使慌乱segue: 继续 ……
) — it was game time.We were flustered (慌乱) for the first few points, and lost to their serves (发球 ……
情境领悟: A: All of a sudden, the doctor told us that my grandpa had cancer.B: He just dropped a bomb on you like that, with no warning?释义:在日常生活中“炸弹”一词常常让人们联想起混乱恐怖的场景,炸弹无论扔在哪里都会引起一阵慌乱,所以引申过来这个习语的意思是“引起 ……
Read the timetable and don't miss the bus搭汽车也许是一件再平常不过的事。但你有没有在异地乘车的经历呢?风格迥异的站牌,奇怪的符号,车程表上再也找不到熟悉的标志。你是否手足无措、慌乱无比?经过反复计算和核对后,你终于买好票坐上车。结果司机对你说:对不起,你搭错车了。所有的人都看着你,你尴尬得无地自容……不会发生这种事情了。因为万变不离其宗,掌握 ……
worried. He seems very single-minded and won't get fazed (慌乱的) too much by the big stage," said Davis ……
point and then started panicking.她把演讲搞砸了。当她忘记第一个主要论点的时候就开始慌乱了。get an itch渴望I've got an itch to see ……
workers. P8 (但是现在德国人选择了小动物中最小的一种-一个蚁后和无数只工蚁。)7. mill about: (慌乱的人群等) 无目的地乱转例句: But, the days ……
麻木的grinder 研磨机械fluster 慌乱tease 取笑Bonus pointshave one's cake and eat it too: 不知足He was the president ……
as well make the most of this. 面临忙碌一周的天蝎座不要慌乱,好好利用(make the most of)这充实的时间!SAGITTARIUS 人马座 (Nov 22 ……
. 当再次走进超市找手套时George的心情是“calm on the outside but frantic on the inside”,外表平静,内心慌乱。4. Several minutes ……
seconds 很多时候,我们马不停蹄一心前行,却忘记了沿途的风景。人生路上,我们不妨放慢匆忙的脚步,发现身边的美好事物,为自己慌乱的心灵寻一片休憩之地。 ……
NBA tradition can be. 21ST---------------------------------------sputter 慌乱rebound 栏板dub 称为foolproof ……
in the face 或flustered (形容那种慌乱的心情),再严重点儿就是embarrassed。 估计Zoccari当时心里一定在嘀咕着:"I'm so humiliated, I ……
it 搞砸 lose one’s nerve 慌乱I completely lost my nerve during the job interview. The manager said the job ……