is super handsome.”Chuffed形容“非常开心的”,常见搭配chuffed to bits意为“心满意足的”,形容开心的状态也可以用短语over the moon。霍建华和林心如选择在“520 ……
. And all I need is to take a night train.There is something extremely satisfying (令人心满意足的) about ……
see, because I continue to grow in the movie.”On top of the world意为“心满意足;处在最佳位置”。“大表姐”詹妮弗·劳伦斯年仅27岁便 ……
喜地,心满意足”。Every time I am with you, I feel like I am on top of the world. 每次和你在一起时,我觉得自己心满意足。7. on top of the world意为“欢天喜地,心满意足”。Every time I am with you, I feel like I am on top ……
“欢天喜地,心满意足”。Every time I am with you, I feel like I am on top of the world. 每次和你在一起时,我觉得自己心满意足。7. on top of the world意为“欢天喜地,心满意足”。Every time I am with you, I feel like I am ……
of a man or woman.---------------------------------------benchmark: 基准compensation: 报酬deluge: 大量gloat: 心满意足 ……
.--------------------------------------debris 残骸snippet 片断barrage of 连珠炮似的warrant 保证karma 因果报应blatant 喧嚣的gloating 心满意足 ……
是儿子打老子。”于是他就心满意足地走了。英译本是这样翻译的:Ah Q said to himself, “Suppose it was the son who beat his father,” and then he went off feeling contented. 老外看到这里往往不明白,为什么想到儿子打老子就会感到“心满意足”。在他们看来,被儿子打和被老子打都是挨打。中国 ……
)— Judy— JudyEmily says:Here, "fill" is a noun. "To have somebody's fill" (心满意足) means to be satisfied ……
wine doesn’t appeal to him.享受精致食物和美酒的快乐欢愉并不能提起他的兴趣。contentment多指人称心或心满意足,强调人因“知足”而心情愉悦。例如:The old man ……
will be content that you have known me.台词剖析:当时间冲淡了一切伤痛,你就会因认识我而感到心满意足。妙语点津●Inconsistent表示“不一致的,前后 ……
中获得满足感;a look/ smile of satisfaction 心满意足的表情或笑容。同根词:satisfy v. 使满意,使满足。Eating gives me ...;look/ smile of satisfaction 心满意足的表情或笑容。同根词:satisfy v. 使满意,使满足。Eating gives me a  ……
吃过了,爆竹也放过了。心满意足的 Ella 准备回家了。But Jacky tells her this is just the beginning, and there is still much ……
的sate 使心满意足spectacle 奇观steak house 牛排店superb 极好的tackle 扭住top-shelf 高端的tuck 放置yappy 哇哇乱叫的 ……
指代乞丐。背景:"穷人跑"又称"乞丐跑",指低价位的国产跑车。对于那些收入不高的爱车族来说,拥有一辆"穷人跑"也能让其心满意足。股市症候群:stock-market sufferers点评:既然"股市 ……