1. What is as big as an elephant, but weighs1 nothing at all? 2. What invention2 lets you look right through a wall?Key:1. The shadow (影子) of an elephant2. A window ……
摘自: 智力碰碰车[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
1.There is a thing. You break it to use.2.What is as big as an elephant, but weighs (重) nothing at all?3.What is white when it’s dirty and black when it’s clean?Answers: 1. An egg.2. The shadow (影子 ……
Whale: Hey woman, let’s play a game.Woman: OK, what game do you want to play?Whale: How about shadow (影子) game?Woman: What’s that?Whale: It’s easy. The only thing you should do is to say what I’ve ……
shadow (影子).“Look!” said the dog to himself. “That dog there has a piece of meat, too. If I could ……
.Autumn WindWhen autumn wind goes running,It does some magic things. It gives the shadows (影子) dancing ……
侦探(Cartoon Zone)Alex是小偷。因为正午太阳正当空的时候是影子最短的时候,根本不可能是人本身的两倍长。 ……
摘自: 答案[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
well before sunrise. Phil the groundhog will come out from his “home”. If Phil sees his shadow (影子 ……
, if Phil sees his shadow (影子) and returns to his hole, people believe there will be six more weeks ……
shadow (影子) and be frightened (受到惊吓的). If he sees his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter ……
that I could share this amazing view with my friends. Thus the beauty of light and shadow (影子.... Thus the beauty of light and shadow (影子) was captured (捕捉) and would be valued forever.BY LI ……
comes out from his “home”. If Phil sees his shadow (影子), people believe there will be six...”. If Phil sees his shadow (影子), people believe there will be six more weeks of cold winter weather ……
with their emotional problems.They can go to a Shadow Rage Room (影子愤怒屋), inside of which there are different items... portal.They can go to a Shadow Rage Room (影子愤怒屋), inside of which there are different items such as glass ……
the woods, we saw a big black shadow (影子) among the trees. At first, we all thought it was a wild..., we had a big scare! Walking through the woods, we saw a big black shadow (影子) among the trees ……
; “五万元大奖等待开奖”可以说a jackpot worth 50,000 yuan is up for grabs. shadow cabinet 影子内阁The UK’s opposition...新闻的背景是上周英国执政党工党的几位内阁大臣被媒体揭露出经济丑闻,但是没过几天,反对党保守党影子内阁的几位大臣也被揭露出有经济问题。很有“狗咬狗”的讽刺意味。影子内阁是英国在野党为准备上台而组织的预备内阁。我们有时会听到说某某人是“影子内阁”贸易 ……
- like realism and philosophical discussion) 。当地时间10月30日,安徒生文学奖颁奖典礼在丹麦欧登塞举行,村上春树领奖并以《影子的意义》(The Meaning of Shadows)为题发表了演讲。演讲中村上春树提到有光的地方就有影子,而凡事有积极的一面也必有消极的一面,一味地抵制和排斥最终只会伤害到自己。尽管村上春树本人并没有对“墙”和“外来者”的隐 ……