编者的话:有一天,Emily 和 Clifford 散步的时候,一辆汽车飞驰而过,一辆警车紧随其后。原来是警察在抓强盗呢!Clifford 非常兴奋,展示本领的机会又来了……a:Hi, I'm...汽车从我们身旁飞快驶过。c:A police car comes right behind it. The police arechasingrobbers.一辆警车紧随其后,警察在追强盗。生词大本营chase 追赶 ……
一心想喝酒的愚蠢强盗A robber (强盗) walks into a store with a gun. He asks for all of the money from the shop owner (店主). The shop owner puts the money in a bag. The robber sees a bottle of wine on the shelf1 ……
聪明的收银员智擒强盗。A GUY walked into a store with a gun and asked for all of the money from the cashier (收银员).After the shop assistant put the money in a bag, the robber (强盗) saw a bottle of wine ……
聪明的收银员智擒强盗。A GUY walked into a store with a gun and asked for all of the money from the cashier (收银员).After the shop assistant put the money in a bag, the robber (强盗) saw a bottle of wine ……
.---------------------------------------bandit: 强盗samurai: 日本武士Good week for:Zhang Ziyi:The Chinese ……
. They take it in turns to try to smash each other's conkers!Cops androbbers(警察和强盗) is also a popular ……
.Cops and robbers(警察和强盗) is a popular playground game. There are two teams: the cops and the robbers ……
珏等资深翻译家共同翻译完成。文集收入了席勒的最后遗作《德米特里乌斯》。该文集共六卷,共计200万字,是目前规模最大的中文版席勒作品集。其中,第一卷为诗歌、小说;第二至第五卷收入《强盗》《阴谋与爱情》《图兰朵》(根据意大利作家哥齐的剧作改编)等十一部剧作;第六卷收入《人的美学教育书简》等美学理论作品。席勒的早期创作,如戏剧《强盗》等,充满了炽烈的激情和抗争精神,是德国“狂飙突进文学运动”中的 ……
, and bandits (强盗). Very few traders made the whole trip. They worked in relays (接力). Each trader would go ……
in their cabins (船舱) to prevent the bandits (强盗) from entering until the naval force came to rescue ……
was playing at the cinema. It was a very exciting movie with heroes fighting a group of robbers (强盗 ……
The Bald Bandit《秃头强盗》之四Who is on Lucky's VCD?DINK phoned Mr Reddy. "We have the VCD.""That was fast....On the TV, they saw the door of the bank. Arobber(强盗) ran out of the bank. He was wearing ……
, the robbers (强盗) or hackers (黑客) are usually Chinese. I think the media, as a channel (渠道.... In some South Korean movies, the robbers (强盗) or hackers (黑客) are usually Chinese. I think ……
herself frombandits(强盗).Reeves is ready"MATRIX"(《黑客帝国》) star Keanu Reeves is ready to settle down ……
" does not exist as an adjective.6. Correct answer: c)a) A "hold-up" (拦劫行人的强盗行为) is a delay or an act ……