现在,绝大部分国内客机在飞机起飞及落地前使用英语广播词。英文广播能更好地帮助外国友人正确理解机舱内乘客应遵守的规则,降低人为造成的不安全隐患。但是,目前飞机上的英语广播语言存在很多不规范的地方。笔者现以某航班上使用的飞机起飞前的英语广播... at your service.We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!修改意见:1.welcome一词有点唐突。正式广播中这个词通常不会照读出来,建议不使用。何况 ……
为了体现国际大都市的形象,北京的部分公交和地铁开始进行英语广播。但是在这些英语广播中存在一些不规范的表达。笔者现以地铁13号线的英语广播为例进行点评,仅供参考。广播原文:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Beijing Subway System. This train is going to the Zhichunlu and Huoying ……
我国首家广播孔子学院日前在中国国际广播电台正式成立,国务委员、孔子学院总部理事会主席陈至立出席成立仪式,并为广播孔子学院揭牌。教育部副部长章新胜在揭牌仪式上表示,目前,在全球60多个国家和地区已建立了200多所孔子学院,初步满足了世界各国和各地区人民学习汉语的需求。据了解,广播孔子学院以广播孔子课堂、无线广播、在线广播等为载体,使用38种外语教授汉语。截至目前,依托 ……
GOLDEN rules for oral presentation:Be interestedBe interested in the subject even if you are not interested. AccentsRegional and foreign accents are generally not a problem as long as you can be understood. ClarityThe audience hates lazily pronounced words. ……
take to the street走在街头(游行、抗议)。Take to the airwaes指“上了电视广播”。Hundreds of people took to the street to protest against police brutality.成千上百的群众走上街头看以警察暴力。 ……
愚人节来了!April Fool’s Day falls on April 1 every year. People play tricks on (捉弄) each other on this day! Also, TV shows and newspapers play tricks, too. In 1957, the BBC (英国广播公司) broadcasted (广播 ……
中外学生齐做广播操。DURING the last few weeks, many Hangzhou schools held sports meets. A group of special guests visited the sports meet at Xuejun High School. They were students from Xuejun’s foreign sister ……
去看世博会啦!Please line up here. 请在这里排队Photos allowed, but not flash.请勿使用闪光灯Please keep your hands off.请勿触摸Please stand behind the one-meter line. 请站在一米线后Good to knowinformation 问讯处 broadcast station 广播台 ……
看,我们当上了电台主持人!► STUDENTS at Yangzhou Shuren Middle School, Jiangsu, became radio show hosts (主持人) on March 17. They visited the local (当地的) broadcast (广播) and television station ……
北京首家外语广播网络电台将开播由北京人民广播电台主办的北京首家外语广播网络电台(www.netfm.com.cn)将于4月30日奥运会倒计时100天之际正式上线开播。外语广播网络电台是北京电台第一个拥有独立域名并以网络电台的架构同时面向听众和网友进行节目传播和交流互动的网络广播平台。据了解,北京外语广播(radio774)集新闻资讯、专题访谈、音乐欣赏、英语教学节目为一体,以中 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
reports once a week on an Internet broadcast (广播). By searching online, Jones even found some... records his newscasts (新闻广播) in a studio (直播间) at his school in Florida. The program receives around 5,000 ……
13岁美国男孩成为热门网络广播节目主持人。AT the age of 13, Miles Schuman, from Maine, US, is already a good host (主持... loves rock music. So he bought a microphone and started broadcasting (广播) talks about rock music from ……
企鹅机长的惊悚广播。 In a faraway land, there is an animal kingdom. Animals there like to travel by plane.... One day on a flight, animal passengers heard the voice of the penguin captain in an announcement (广播 ……
一起来学北宋“广播体操”吧!一起来学北宋“广播体操”吧!Do you do any exercise between classes? During the Northern Song Dynasty, people enjoyed doing an exercise called baduanjin (八段锦). It has eight simple movements (动作 ……
the class. On that day, I led (带领) the students to read the text. I was nervous3. But it was fun. 本期小小广播 ……