线教职工薪酬数据,呈现国际学校人力资源现状,反映学校组织架构、教师招聘、薪酬与福利现状、绩效管理体系、教师培训发展、人才满意度以及教师从业压力等情况。学校管理层平均月薪超3万《报告》结果显示,学校管理层的薪酬主要由基本薪酬、绩效和年度奖金组成,国际学校的管理岗位平均月薪为30,500元/月,平均年薪为336,000元/年,平均年度奖金为48,600元/年。外方校长的平均月薪比中方校长高23% 左右 ……
3月1日,教育部发布2021年全国教育事业统计主要结果。2021年教育事业统计数据结果显示,全国共有各级各类学校52.93万所,在校生2.91亿人,专任教师1844.37万人,劳动年龄人口平均...教师1844.37万人,劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限10.9年。一、学前教育2021年,全国共有幼儿园29.48万所,共有学前教育专任教师319.10万人。二、义务教育2021年,全国 ……
一种语言中词汇的数量或许是无限的,因为人们会持续不断地创造新的单词,但是,一个人所能掌握的词汇却是有限的. 英国《每日邮报》近日报道称,一项新的研究表明,在二十多岁的美国人中,他们的人均英语词汇量是42000. 研究还发现,随着年龄的增长,人们每两天就会学到一个新词,这意味着到60岁时其词汇量能再增加6000. 该研究的负责人,比利时根特大学的Marc. ……
A 10-year-old kid averagely (平均地) needs 20 minutes to fall asleep. ……
信不信由你People dream on average (平均) five times a night. ……
New Zealand (新西兰) has more sheep than people. 平均每个新西兰人拥有12只羊。 ……
How many times do you laugh every day? 成年人平均每天笑13次。 ……
Answers:1. 37 and 23. (Average (计算出……的平均数) the numbers.)2. 75 and 150 (Others are all multiples (倍数) of 14) ……
中国人平均寿命越来越长Life expectancy for the average Chinese citizen has risen. PAGE 2 ……
Belly dancersWho says ballet dancers must be thin? The Big Ballet dancers from Russia aren't. The ladies' average (平均的) weight is 127 kilograms! There are 18 ladies in the group. They eat as much ……
核心词汇suffer v. 遭受,经历She suffered serious injuries in the car accident.average v. 平均做/得到用法:也可用作名词或形容词,表示"平均数(的)",常见短语有on average, below/above average。I average eight hours' work a day. ……
If three cats can catch three mice in three minutes, how many cats would be needed to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?Answer:Since these three cats are averaging (平均) one mouse per (每) minute, the same ……
DO you like eating chocolate? Maybe not as much as German people. Each German eats about 11kg a year on average (平均). Look at the table and find out which countries like chocolate most and how much ……
. He did great in his leadership (领导能力),” said the team’s coach, Bob Donewald.averagen. 平均,平均分。阿联 ……
Source: NordVPN Source: NordVPN South Koreans spend an average (平均的) of 34... Koreans spend an average (平均的) of 34 years of their lives on the internet. That&rsquo ……