Do you like chocolate? Belgium (比利时) is very famous for its chocolate all over the world. It’s a small country in Europe (欧洲). Its capital is Brussels (布鲁塞尔). The city is also called “city ……
比利时第一位女王位继承人诞生Belgian Princess (公主) Elisabeth, the country's first would-be ruling queen, was born at Erasmus Hospital in Brussels (布鲁塞尔) on October 25.She is the first child of Crown Prince Philippe ……
臭脸小狗成明星臭脸小狗成明星Hi! I’m Bouche from Brussels (布鲁塞尔). I look unhappy in all of my...) for pictures. I’m actually happy most of the time. Hi! I’m Bouche from Brussels (布鲁塞尔 ……
, Belgium (比利时布鲁塞尔市) on Sept 8.Frog friends叠起罗汉看人眼 We are frogs. We live in a zoo in Australia. Here, we ……
比利时的“巨人”游行Brussels (布鲁塞尔) is the capital of Belgium (比利时). Now it may be in danger. Many giants are coming to the city. But don’t worry! They are attending the Parade of the Giants (“巨人”游行 ……
谁的胡子最美?Many people have different hairstyles (发型) to make themselves look beautiful. But men in Brussels (布鲁塞尔) are different. They make their mustaches (胡子) look good.Every year, Brussels holds ……
卡通壁画之城—布鲁塞尔卡通壁画之城—布鲁塞尔Do you know the boy Tintin? In Brussels (布鲁塞尔), you can see him everywhere. Let’s take a look!Do you know the boy Tintin? In Brussels (布鲁塞尔), you can see him ……
比利时一项最新调查显示,随着国际化程度的日益提高,英语在布鲁塞尔正越来越流行,而且在某种程度上威胁到了官方语言法语和荷兰语的地位。这项由天主教鲁汶大学进行的调查显示,与过去相比,比利时人在布鲁塞尔居民中的比例正在下降,同时能讲多种语言的居民正越来越多。虽然法语和荷兰语是比利时的官方语言,但是因为布鲁塞尔同时又是欧盟、北约等众多国际组织的总部所在地,所以其国际化程度也越来越高,英语 ……
近日,中国和欧盟在布鲁塞尔启动了2009至2013"中欧语言交流项目"。中国教育部副部长章新胜和欧盟负责语言事务的委员莱昂纳德奥尔班参加了项目启动仪式。章新胜表示,中国的教育机构目前已开设了17种欧盟官方语言,未来将计划开设更多的欧盟官方语言。 ……
years ago. Other European cities like Stockholm (斯德哥尔摩) and Brussels (布鲁塞尔) do the same."It's faster...哥尔摩) and Brussels (布鲁塞尔) do the same."It's faster than the bus or subway, good exercise, and almost free,"said ……
虽没有世界著名建筑的宏伟,乖巧的“撒尿小童”还是成为布鲁塞尔一道别致的风景。虽没有世界著名建筑的宏伟,乖巧的“撒尿小童”还是成为布鲁塞尔一道别致的风景。PARIS has the Eiffel... are recognizable worldwide.Brussels(布鲁塞尔) meanwhile has theManneken Pis(撒尿小童). Think of the Belgian ……
) London with Paris andBrussels(布鲁塞尔). The line is 50 kilometres long. The underwater part runs 37 ……
大熊猫在比利时安新家!Giant pandas Xing Hui and Hao Hao have a new home in Belgium (比利时). Their new home is in Pairi Daiza Zoo (天堂动物园). It’s about 50km from Brussels (布鲁塞尔), the capital1 of Belgium. The two ……
一半的钻石都是在这里加工的。Capital of Europe欧洲之都Brussels (布鲁塞尔) is the capital of Belgium. It is also “the Capital of Europe”. 欧洲联盟的总部就在这里。这座“原子模型”是布鲁塞尔的标志建筑。It is a science museum.Cool and wet阴雨连绵It’s cool in the summer ……
know?Did you know?Belgium’s Brussels (布鲁塞尔) is a city of cartoons. The most famous one is Tintin (《丁丁历险记》).Belgium’s Brussels (布鲁塞尔) is a city of cartoons. The most famous one is Tintin (《丁丁历险记》).  ……