巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国,简称巴基斯坦,位于南亚次大陆的西北部,地理位置十分重要。巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国,简称巴基斯坦,位于南亚次大陆的西北部,地理位置十分重要。巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国,简称巴基斯坦,位于南亚次大陆的西北部,地理位置十分重要。巴基斯坦是一个多民族国家,其主要民族有旁遮普族、信德族、普什图族、俾路支族等。在近代历史上,巴基斯坦曾长期被英国殖民,种种历史文化因素导致当地语言多元,因此 ……
This week, the torch (火炬)goes back to Asia. It will visit Pakistan (巴基斯坦), India (印度), Thailand (泰国) and Malaysia (马来西亚). ……
荣誉可言。”——巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫10月6日,巴基斯坦参议院和国民议会一致通过了一项将改变未来无数巴基斯坦少女命运的法案——“荣誉谋杀”的实施者不再被赦免,即使他们获得受害者或其家庭成员以“荣誉”为名义的宽恕。“一个恶性循环终于画上了句号。”(A vicious circle has now come to an end.) 这项里程碑式的法案通过后,巴基斯坦参议员法尔哈图拉·巴巴尔(Senator ……
小羊,小羊,耳朵长小羊,小羊,耳朵长Let’s meet Simba, a baby goat from Pakistan (巴基斯坦). He has the longest ears..., a baby goat from Pakistan (巴基斯坦). He has the longest ears on a goat — over 56 cm long! Simba ……
美国一架空中加油机在巴基斯坦坠毁A US military plane (战斗机) carrying at least seven marines (海军陆战队员) crashed into a mountain in Pakistan on January 9. No one survived.The four-engine KC-130 was a US$37 million plane ……
巴基斯坦发生教堂爆炸案TWO men threw several grenades (手榴弹) into a church during a service (宗教礼拜式) on March 17 in Islamabad, Pakistan. Five people died, including an American Embassy (美国大使馆) employee and her ……
中国积极营救被绑架工程师 TALKS are going on inPakistan(巴基斯坦) to save two Chinese. Five men took Wang Ende, 49, and Wang Peng, 32, on October 9. They areengineers(工程师) at a Chinese company. A group said they did ……
小羊,小羊,耳朵长小羊,小羊,耳朵长I’m Simba, a baby goat from Pakistan (巴基斯坦). I have the longest ears in the world. They are over 65 cm long! I’m Simba, a baby goat from Pakistan (巴基斯坦). I have the longest ……
为什么世界上有这么多“斯坦”?为什么世界上有这么多“斯坦”?Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦), Pakistan (巴基斯坦...), Pakistan (巴基斯坦), Tajikistan (塔吉克斯坦)... There are seven “Stan” countries in the world ……
will be in eight countries — India, Nigria (尼日利亚), Pakistan (巴基斯坦), the Republic of the Congo (刚果 ……
3 dead in Pakistan三名中国人在巴基斯坦遇袭身亡A CAR bomb (炸弹) in southwestern Pakistan (巴基斯坦) killed three Chinese engineers and hurt nine others on Monday. The 12 were there to help build a harbour (港口 ……
TENCENTTENCENT“骆驼图书馆”走进巴基斯坦偏远乡村。“骆驼图书馆”走进巴基斯坦偏远乡村。“The camel (骆驼) is here!” Pakistani children shout as they meet Roshan, a camel who brings them books. Many ……
Pakistani boys' CD sells well我们出了自己的唱片!UNLIKE many of you, 12-year-old Tariq Hussain Bacha and Zeeshan Khan, 11, don't know many pop music stars. But the twoPakistani(巴基斯坦的) boys are now child stars ……
Five years to change Pakistan's education巴基斯坦中小学教育改革 用英语教授科学科目PUPILS in Pakistan's state schools will start learning maths, science and IT in English from this year. This is an ambitious plan ……
摘自: 新闻点击[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
;—教育部中外语言交流合作中心学术组织联络处处长尹冬民在东北亚国际中文教育学术研讨会上指出。(摘自中国日报网)在全球文明倡议指引下,巴中两国正在开展多项合作,更好地保护和研究巴基斯坦丰富的历史文化,不同文明在交流互鉴中焕发出新光彩。我们致力于加强合作,共谋发展、共筑安全、共兴文明,合力为构建人类命运共同体作出贡献。 ——巴基斯坦哈扎拉大学巴基斯坦研究系主任艾沙· ……